Chapter 3

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(Warning: So many swearing at the end. Of the story. I'm sorry😢)

As I lead the woman inside along with my babies. I noticed that I had the stranger with Kogitsunemaru and Uguisumaru.

"Good Job, Kogi and Maru. Please lock him to the storage room." I ordered them as they nodded, they turn to look at my shadowed face I heard the babies were quite whimpering, I fix myself and smile brightly at the two of them they smiled back as my babies calmed down, I then turn around to see the women behind me. "Let's go, we have so much to talk about." I said as I grabbed her hand gently going towards my room which is in the second floor.

Once I opened the door, she was in awe when she saw my things are in place with baby books and had a 5 cribs, and toys on the shelf and a nursery mat. "Your room is so beautiful." She said complimented. "Thanks it was from my swords who arrange and organized, without them I would be dumbfounded, but also will have fun." I said calmingly I settle down the babies on their mat as I kiss all of their forehead, I lead the women to my desk and indian sit ourselves. I started the conversation first so she won't get awkward "So what is your name?" I asked her, "Mena Rin Chouji-desu." She said I notice that she was sad. "Why are you sad? and specially, why are alone?" I asked her bombard with questions. "I was kicked out by my clan, I was also wasn't allowed to see my husband due to his assestment marriage with another women, so instead I live by myself." She saidwhile wiping her tears using the handkerchief that I gave her earlier. "What? Why? And specially how old are you?" I asked worriedly. "I am 19 years old." She said. 'I was right, she was at my age.' I thought as I bit my lip not too hard. "If you want, I can visit you whenever I have a free time sounds good?" I offer her she flinch and hugged me. "Thank you very much of whatever your name is, I couldn't ask for more." She said as she pulled out from the hug. "But first, what is your name?" She asked curiously. "I am Yuki Maru Shisoui and I am 19 years old." I said as she smiled sweetly. "Wow, your name really ressemble to your cold skin and blueish hair." She complimented me. "Oh? I.. I mean thank you for your conpliment, I do really appreciate it." I said as I heard ring of the bells, it means the the group has finally arrived. "I wanna come with you, I don't wanna go towards and bother awkwardly towards your children, I want to see how a Aruji works." She said as I smiled at her.

'Well, atleast she is not in a awful mood.' I thought as we approached downstairs, we already saw a light when we got down to the front and notice a small baby with covers on his body. "Who is that? Wait? Where in the world is Yamanbagiri?" I said in full exaggeration. Honebami then go lean towards me as he whispered.

"It is Manba-chan, Aruji~sama." He pull off and gave me a thumbs up. I was blushing so hard that I get to see the baby face of my new baby. I unwrapped the little cloak and saw Manba-chan already sleeping peacefully. When he woke up he wasn't crying unexpectedly he just yawn and smile at me while he giggled. I saw the rest of my babies crawling on the ground and tugging my kimono calling me "Mama." continuosly, I felt a tear running down my face.

"A-aruji! Why are you crying? Did these babies hurt you?!" Hasebe came up to me as I push him away and smiled at him. "No, they didn't. They are happy tears, Hasebe." I said while sniffing.

"This is my first time crying in Happy tears, guys. You all made me so fucking happy." I said as I walk towards the porch where Mikazuki sits whenever he had his tea. I hum a lullaby sa I carry 10 of them, I headed inside the Citadel house and go straight towards upstairs my room I lay all of them to my bed and start to tap lightly Yamanbagiri's butt to sleep. It was their afternoon nap as I slept with them.

I woke up when someone knocked on my door, I got up and walk towards the shoji and when I open it I saw the face of Kashuu's dark face and aura. "Aruji? Am I cute?" He asked suddenly making me giggle at his reaction. "Of course you are! But don't let your guard down and acting all fashionable and all. I know, we all have sense of favoritism, but for me, even if you're not cute nor beautiful I will always love you the way you are." I said as I held his face to look at me, he blushed and I let out a chuckle. "You can go make yourself cuter if that is what you like as long as you treat others as your family not your rivals." I smiled at him as I remove my hands to his face. "Should you get going? I would love you to do and paint my nails in the future, if you found the righy colour." I said smirking while his eyes glowed. "I will aruji, a-and.. I Love You!" He shout the last part as I held my index card to minimize his voice. "Sorry." He looked down. "I Love You, too." I said as I kissed his forehead, he immediately ran downstairs with his face blushing. I sighed in relief. "Whatta a guy." I said under my breath.

I walk inside my room and notice all babies are now awake. I smiled brightly and heart beating fast. "Okie, babies, its time for your food." As I picked all of them up, I was cautious of not letting one single baby down. I have five babies in hand, one baby on my head, two babies on the right arm, and two babies on the left arm. You could say.. I looked like a baby gorilla mammal carrying her gorilla babies.

I walk down stairs and saw everyone waiting for me patiently, all baby bottles and baby cereal were there including some fruits on it. Even if Mitsutada is a baby, Kasen really did a great job. The swords settle all babies on their short baby sits as we sat down to eat. Feeding the baby was mostly fun. Yamanbagiri was smiling without a tooth, calling me Mama, even Jiji did call me Mama. I might say.

"How are you holding, Yuki~chan?" Mena asked. "I am doing fine, having so many babies are much fun and..." I smiled sadly. "What's with that face, Yuki~chan?" She came closer to me as I felt my babies slapped her hands away. She only giggled. "Let's go towards the sakura tree and talked it out I'll bring the mat." She said as I stopped her. "No! Don't do that, You're pregnant!" I exclaimed worriedly. "Just go tell, Hasebe, he will get the mat." I said as she nodded, I follwed her behind and she was surprise as Hasebe looked at her like she was ready to kill. "Uh.. Yuki-chan, why is he here?" I turn to look at Mena whose face is in so much in fear when facing Hasebe. "Why is she here, Aruji~sama." He said with his monotone, I wasn't scared of his dark aura when getting mad, the thing is.. 'Why is he mad at Mena?' I heard a sniffling beside me.

"Aruji~sama, I am asking you once again. What is that woman doing he--." he was about to raise his voice as I cut him off and I look at him furiously and mad. "Don't you dare raise your fucking voice on me if you don't want me to melt you into a metal, Hasebe." I can hear the babies was about cry I brought all of them one by one on the ground. "Mena would you mind?" I said as she sadly smiled. "Hasebe, this isn't you! Tell me good reason why did you do this?" I said sternly looking at him. "What are you talking about, Aruji~Sama?!" He finally let out his voice as I slapped him. "Don't you ever lie to your Aruji, Heshikiri Hasebe." I said with frustrated voice. "Why? If I told you the truth would you give us back your attention rather than those babies?!" He shout at me as I look at him shocked. "What did those baby toudans ever do to you? It is my job as an Aruji to give you attention and these mission is my only hope to give them attention same to you all. I'm sorry if I wasn't a good of a Aruji, but I am aware of my surroundings. Don't you get it?! I am trying so hard to give you time even if it cause me my life. You fuckin' swords mean the world to me?! Why can't you understand that my body is only one! And specially?! Why did you even rape a girl in my age you stupid bastard?!" I said in frustration as I punched him on the nose while I kneel down and cried my heart out.

"This wasn't what I expected." I thought as I shamefully wipe away my tears. I stand up and bring out my firm posture. "For this day and forever, I will announce that after this situation, I will resign as a Aruji to this citadel." I said. "No! You can't do that, Yuki~chan?!" I turn around to see Mena carrying Yagen and Mikazuki. "What?" I saw her crying and wiping away her tears. "You can't because these Citadel needs you, even Hasebe and these babies are." She said while tears rolling down her face, I smiled painfully at her. "They'll eventually grow, Mena, no one needs a Aruji who only cared about one toudan."

"You aren't going to leave this Citadel, Aruji~sama." I turn to look down at Hasebe who was kneeling down. "Why? You don't like me leaving? Hasebe, I was the reason why you did that to the innocent girl." I said while walking towards to him. "No, It's unacceptable! It was my fault! Because all I saw these 10 toudans are rivals, I apologize for my carelessness, I will do anything for you to forgive me." I giggled at him. "Promise?" I said cheekily. "Promise as always, Aruji~sama." I got down to him and help him up the ground as I dust his clothes, I forced him by holding his face to look at me. "I want you to promise me to accept the child inside Mena, that's all I want, plus! I will be the godmother of your wedding if that happeneds. AHAHAHA!!" I teasingly said as he blushed deeply crimson.

My mood suddenly changes into a good mood.

Seeing my toudans was enough evidence that they didn't want me to leave, but...

We don't know what the future holds.


B-Babies?! (Touken Ranbu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now