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Kirishima POV
I see Kaminari start running. I grab him, "Hey let me go!" He yells. "Calm down first! We're heroes we need to stay calm remember? Plus there is no guarantee that Jirou is hurt." I say. "He's right, we should stay calm. Also if Jirou is hurt we will need help." Sero says. "Then lets get help!" Kaminari says desperately. "How about we get Deku and Yaoyorozu to come help?" Bakugo suggests. "Good idea! With Midoriya and Yaoyorozu's quirks well help Jirou in no time!" I say. "I'm on it!" Mina says getting her phone out. "In the mean time, we should look for Jirou." Sero adds.

About 5 minutes later

Mina POV
I see Momo, Deku, Ochako, and Todoroki approach. "You came!" I squeal squishing Momo. "Could you please refrain from squishing the medic?" Todoroki asks. "Ohh right sorry." I say. "Have you found Jirou yet?" Ochako asks worried, "Sero texted me his location, I'm assuming they've found her. "Then what are we waiting for?" Midoriya asks. "Let's go." Momo says. We all start running, god Jirou please be ok!

Jirou POV
I hear a voice from the other side of the wall of debris "Jirou!?" "Here!" I yell weakly. "Jirou!" Sero exclaims. "Guys! I found her!" He yells. "Are you hurt?" Sero asks. "Well I can't stand and I'm stuck behind a wall of debris, why don't you tell me?" I say. "Yep I definitely found her!" He says. I hear someone come running, "Can you move at all" the voice asks, it's Kaminari. I try to push myself up, more things fall, shit. "Nope." I say. "Well just hang in there Yaoyorozu will be here soon." he says.

Todoroki POV (this is new)

I see Momo running beside me, she looks terribly worried. "Hey, she'll be fine now that you're coming to aid her." I say grabbing her hand. She smiles despite the situation, "Thanks, Shouto." "Aww!"Uraraka says. "Umm, Ochako you floating!" Midoriya says. "Huh, Ohh release!" She says. Midoriya catches her, "As much as I love to watch my ships sail, can we focus?" Mina says. Wow I never expected her to be the voice of reason. "She's right." Momo says. We keep running until we're faced with a large wall of debris, "Oh you've got to be kidding me."Mina says. Kaminari's face lights up "You're here!" He says. I take a quick look at our surroundings, "Momo there's a small hole near the top of the wall, do you think Uraraka could float someone through it?" I ask. "Great idea Shouto!" She says, I blush slightly. "I'll do it." Kirishima says, "Huh why?" Bakugo asks looking slightly, concerned? "With my quirk I won't get hurt by the debris, does the same hold true for anyone else?" He asks. Bakugo goes quite. "Don't worry I won't drop your precious Kirishima." Ochako says. Kirishima and Bakugo's faces flush, so that's how it is. "Alright it's all up to you two!" Momo says. Ochako looks at Kirishima, he nods. She walks over and makes him levitate, he floats through the hole. "I'm in, Uraraka release me." Kirishima says. "Release!" She says. I hear a small crash. "Oi, you good in there?" Bakugo asks. "Yep, I've got Jirou, Uraraka come on in!" Kirishima says. She nods as she starts to float, she makes her way in and I hear a small yelp of pain, most likely coming from Jirou, after a few minutes of struggling the three make there way out and back onto solid ground. I see Momo rush to Jirou's side, along with Kaminari. Deku also goes to get Uraraka who seemed to have gone past her limit, which is shown in her face which is getting greener by the second. "Kaminari lets give Yaoyorozu some space." Kirishima says. The two walk over to where Bakugo is standing. "Todoroki, do you think you could come and ice some of Jirou's scrapes?" Momo asks. I nod as I walk over.

After treating Jirou and putting her in the proper care of Recover Girl.

Kirishima POV (finally back to Kiribaku)

"Ok Mina, I need you to promise to never try and help me with love ever again. Got it?" I say
"Fine! I promise" she says. Good! "Anyways I have to go, Bakugo told me to meet him at his house." I say, I wonder why? Mina squeals, "What?" I ask confused. "Ohh nothing" she says. "Ok then, see you later" I say making my way out of her room. As I walk to Bakugo's house I think of why he invited me over, I guess this is what bros do right? Hang out. I continue to walk to his house, when I get to the house I knock on the door. I'm greeted by a woman who I'm assuming is Bakugo's mom. "Hello, my name is Kirishima your son invited me over." I say. "Ohh, I'll get him."She says. Something seem off about her though see looks very sad. I wonder why? I'm caught up in my thoughts until I hear her yell "Katsuki your friend is here!" I hear a voice yell back "Coming." To be honest this is exactly how I expected his family to communicate with each other. "Let's go Kirishima." Bakugo says. "Ok, where are we going exactly?" I ask. He shrugs "I don't know somewhere." He says. He grabs my hand and pulls me with him to an unknown destination. He stops and lets go of my hand his face turns serious, "My mother didn't say anything weird to you right?" He asks. "No why would she?" I ask. "Never mind." he says we continue walking in silence. Bakugo doesn't seem to be paying attention, "Is something wrong?" I ask worried. "Huh?" He says. "You don't seem yourself." I say. "It's nothing" he says averting his gaze. Somethings wrong. "Bakugo don't lie to me, what's bothering you?" I ask. He sighs, "Follow me" he says. I follow him until he stops at a park, we sit down. "Ok now can you tell me what's wrong" I ask. "Fine, it's my father." He says. "Is he ok?" I ask. Bakugo shakes his heads his voice cracks as he say "He was on a business trip, but on his flight home the plain crashed, they haven't even found his body." He says. (Wow that got dark). What? Without thinking I hug him, "When did you find out?" "This morning when we got back from the haunted house." He says. I hug him tighter, "I'm here for you Bakugo." I say. "Thanks Kirishima" He says. "It's ok to cry you know right?" I say. I hear a muffled "mhm" as Bakugo cries into my shirt.

About 15 minutes later

"Hey Kirishima?" Bakugo speaks up. "Yes?" I ask. " I have something to tell you." he says.

Hey there, so next chapter is going to be the confession and most likely the last chapter. Tell me if you want me to continue writing more chapters, but I do plan on starting another story and maybe sometime later I'll make a sequel to this story. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and until next time bye!
- Hanoko

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