Untitled Part 9

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It was like magic. Wild located a fat, pink, heart-shaped vegetable near camp, and used that as the base for the soup. He then tossed in the carrots and roots after cooking them in oil, juiced the apple and slowly drizzled it in once the water turned pink. The soup thickened like cream, and after letting it simmer for a half hour, declared it ready to be served.

It was nothing like anything the group had ever tasted before. The radish was not at all sour, but tasted sweet and smooth like a fine vintage. The carrots were soft and absorbed the broth quite well. The bitterness of the roots helped counter-balance the sweetness of it all, turning the entire soup into a wonderful, delicious experience. Twilight shivered in delight after taking a single sip.

"It's just radish soup," Wild said, surprised by everyone's reactions. "It's quite simple, I can teach you all how to make it."

Warrior shook his head as he dragged his spoon slowly out of his mouth. He smacked his lips. "I was in the military. I've eaten my share of simple meals. This? This is amazing. Seriously, who taught you how to cook like this?"

Wild said nothing and continued to stir the pot.

Warrior thought he didn't hear him. "Did you learn before or after you became the Chosen Hero? Were you taught-?"

"Hey," Twilight interrupted as he walked up to them. "If you're done eating, take your plate down to the river to clean it."

Warrior's bowl was only half-way finished, but he understood Twilight's tone of dismissal well enough. "Okay..." he muttered awkwardly, turned and left.

Twilight sighed and kneeled down next to Wild. "I'm guessing you don't remember who taught you."

"I should probably tell the others," Wild said. "Otherwise it's going to get awkward every time they ask a question."

"You know you don't have to, right? We all have our own personal secrets we wish to keep."

"Nah, I don't want to dance around this. Besides, we have an audience listening in."

Twilight blinked and looked over his shoulder. Five heads suddenly turned away, averting their gaze, becoming super interested in their utensils. Legend was the only who continued to stare unashamedly as he scooped food into his mouth. He waved.

"Wow," said Twilight.

Wild gave a small chuckle. "This feels nice. It feels... familiar. I hope you all don't mind if I stick around a bit...?"

"You're fucking staying!" Legend yelled around a mouthful of food.

"You're staying," Twilight repeated to Wild in a softer, more serious tone. "And not because of the food. You're one of us."

"Thank you," said Wild, grinning. He tapped the side of the pot with his ladle loudly, grabbing everyone's attention. "Who wants seconds?"

Everyone presented their bowl.

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