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"Okay, let's just choose one, Lex. I don't know what the big deal is. It's just a homecoming. For prom we can spend three thousand years looking for dresses."

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm excited and happy and enthusiastic."

I roll my eyes but grin. She's so extra.

"This one," I say, picking a baby pink halter-topped dress. The skirt puffed out ever so slightly, making it slightly more dressy. I'd probably pull my hair back into a sleek ponytail. With a simple silver pendant necklace with maybe a few silver rings and little hoop earrings, this would be perfect.

"See? Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

Lex laughs.

"You're such a dork," she says, rolling her eyes. "My turn."

She finds a deep maroon cold shoulder skater dress that's made of a velvety material, making it a bit fancier.

"Gold," I tell her when she tries it on. "Pair it with gold jewelry instead of silver. The cool tones would clash."

She seems really excited. Can't relate.

"Thanks for coming with me, Bri."

I laugh.

"I needed a dress too. Besides, I had fun."

We pay for our dresses and as we walk out, Lex throws her arm around my shoulder.

"I cannot wait for homecoming!" she exclaims.

I can. I definitely can. I'm pacing the floor of my living room waiting to be picked up. Lex and I have been getting ready since noon. We went light on the makeup. Both of us were blessed with relatively clear skin, so we used a BB cream as a base, with light bronzer. I went for more of a rosy look, while Lex went for a more sunkissed bronzy look. It works for her skin tone better anyway. Anyway, we both went for a super natural eye and mascara. Lip balm and gloss went on next, and finally the dresses. The dresses are super pretty, but the heels. I swear, the heels are going to be the death of me.

Let's be honest. I don't really care about the big game. Lex doesn't really care about the big game. So...we're getting picked up for the dance only. Yes, I know. We're very supportive of our football team.

Our dates were supposed to pick us up by five. The doorbell rings a few minutes early, and I'm pleasantly surprised.

I don't expect Cole to look any more different to me than he usually does. I mean, he's already good-looking.

But he looks worlds different. It's funny how small changes can make such a big difference. He has his hair styled and is wearing a formal shirt and jeans instead of...whatever sweats and t-shirt he found that morning. Woah. It's so weird, I almost forget to greet him.

He smirks at my expression and shock, and all my hopes that he didn't notice fly out the window.

"Wow. Cole you look...great."

He chuckles.

"Just great? Not breathtakingly hot Timothee Chalamet Status?"

I grin.

"Sure," I tell him. Gotta keep that ego in check. Cole takes my hand.

"You ready?" he asks. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, almost. Let me get out of my PJs first and put on the dress." 

"You spent all this time just on makeup?" Lex's boyfriend asks. I sigh.

"It takes time, Mitchell. It is an art form."

"Alright, alright," the boys laugh at my sudden snap back.  "Sorry, ladies," Mitchell calls after me as I walk up the stairs. "Take your time."

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