T a g g e d

48 9 41

//Okay, HOLD UP-
I was tagged??
I g u e s s??  
    -I have no c l u e how this w o r k s-
So I was tagged by -cheerioengland-

1- My full name is Shannon Rhianna Dunaway and im considered lucky because my names each have 7 letters each, 7 7 7!

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1- My full name is Shannon Rhianna Dunaway and im considered lucky because my names each have 7 letters each, 7 7 7!

2- I play double bass and am transitioning to bass guitar!

3- Im studying French in the hopes to move there when im old enough! Although im a bit too shy to speak it now!

4- I love to write!! So so much!!

5-Im a quarter native american so im still pretty tan naturally!

6- RPing and talking to friends is how I boost my writing skills-
Hey! Don't judge!

7- I love using my hearts! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

8- I pace around 24/7! It's how I listen to music, how I relax, how I wake up..I n e e d to pace!

9- I consider myself pretty boring! Which is true but still-

10- I v a n is our true heavenly father! (Im Jewish)

So here's my joke
Alfred giggled to himself, "Hey Ludwig! Why did the Americans catch Hitler by surprise??"

Ludwig sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "..Tell me why."

Alfred snickered, "Because he did........ N A Z I us coming!"

Ludwig shook his head and spoke, "The holocaust is no laughing matter Anne Frank-ly I don't think jokes about it are okay." He started to bust into laughter

Alfred was shocked but did finger guns, "HEEEYYY!"

Gilbert walked in and shook his head, "You two should be ashamed of yourselves! WW2 was not funny! And Hitler was awful! I sure do love the guy who killed him!"

They all laughed together until Arthur joined in and shrugged, "I kinda feel sorry for Hitler..
Looking back at some old photos of him, his friends always left him hanging when he went for a high-five.."

Alfred laughed really hard at that one because he wanted Arthur's love-
And they all lived happily ever after! The End!
Also here's another one I found online!

One of Hitler's assistants says to him one day, "Sir, we're mining too many useless ores."

Hitler replies, "Well, mine less."

One of his other assistants, a stickler for correct grammar, then shouts, "Mine FEWER!"

Hitler looks up and asks, "Yes?"
Uhh all my OC stories are connected in one long line! But let's be honest ill never finish writing it so if I do just know that it's all one universe and if you make a timeline you get candy!
Holy crap- 28?!

I did 20!! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

                                                -The King

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