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A red head sighed and stretched his arms as he walked away from his workplace. The man usually got off work by 9 in the evening, but there were urgent matters to attend to so he had to stay in for another hour.

Since he was getting his car fixed, he decided to walk home. His neighborhood wasn't that far away, maybe a 20 minute walk all the from his workplace. Though it would have been better to have taken a cab, the weather was nice and he didn't mind taking a peaceful stroll on his way home. He admired the city at night with all the beautiful lights.

While enjoying his relaxing, peaceful walk, he started to reminisce his good ol' high school days....

It's been 7 years since Koro Sensei's death. And in those 7 years, he's not even close to finishing the ridiculously thick advice book that his late teacher left for their class...Class 3-E.

Ever since that day, their graduation day, it actually had been a habit of his to think back to the times when their tentacled teacher was still alive. Those times they spent at their assassination classroom. He would sometimes imagine what it would've been like if Koro Sensei was still there. But one of his most favorite events in the past that he absolutely loved looking back to, was the day he met his wife.

With that, he started to remember his first day of high school at Kunugigaoka. A smile making it's way up his lips as he did so.

"I should being home some sweets"

He stopped and looked at the pastry shop that happened to still be open at this time. He couldn't wait to get home and cuddle with the woman he loved oh so dearly.

•••••• 7 years ago ••••••

"Man, vacation's over already? What a bummer. I can't even remember it happening"

The sadistic read head sipped on the strawberry milk he had with him as he made his way to the classroom.

As expected of him, he aced the entrance exam, earning him a spot in class A for the school year.

The evil genius didn't even break a sweat when he took the exam.

All of his classmates transferred to different schools, him being the only one from class 3-E to study at Kunugigaoka high again. He was looking forward to his "academic battle" with Asano.

"Akabane." speaking of the devil.

Karma looked back to look at the strawberry blonde lad who was on his way to the principal's office.

"I must admit that I am looking forward to competing with you for the top spot this year" Asano smirked as walked pass the boy.

"But I'm sure you'll find a way to plunge yourself back to the end class again, with your demonic nature and all"

This made the red head return the smirk.

"In that case you better watch me like a hawk president smartass, 'coz I'm telling ya, I've got even better tricks up my sleeves this time" he looked ahead and went on his way leaving his rival.

Asano on the other hand, felt threatened for a second, realizing that the red head was talking about all the assassination training they've done, but afterwards felt even more pumped for their rivalry.

"Yeah as if I'd do anything. If the octopus were here he'd probably prettify my whole soul." he frowned as he remembered that time Koro Sensei "prettified" his nails.

As a result of him not looking his way, he had accidentally bumped in to someone and dropped his drink.

"Woah sorry about that, you alright?"

He bent down to pick up his drink but immediately stopped when he saw the student that he knocked over.

It was a girl. He eyed her carefully. She had long pink hair, pale skin like his, and if he wasn't mistaken, she smelled like strawberries.

"Woah crap, sorry, my bad" she spat out while standing back up.

Karma noticed a light pink stain on her skirt.

Well great, I spilled my drink on her

Reaching in his bag to find anything that could help the girl, he opened his mouth to apologize for the trouble. As he looked at the girl, he froze. It felt like his brain stopped. He was just staring in the girl's emerald eyes and she did the same.

For the little lady, she was just shocked to see a very good looking dude in front of her. He was tall too. She couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous face, thinking how this man could possibly be real. No guy THAT handsome could possibly ever exist in this cruel world.

As for Karma.

He looked back at his strawberry milk then back at the girl, then back at the drink in hand. His eyes went back and forth from his drink and the girl for a few times.

"I think I've been drinking too much strawberry milk"

Pink and Red Strawberries (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now