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Even though it was the first day of school, classes went on as usual since almost every single student here attended Kunugigaoka since their first years. Only a couple were new, for this semester at least.

Kirei had gotten along with her classmates well.

It was lunch time but she stayed inside the classroom since she had brought along with her the lunch her mom had prepared while her new friends went to the school cafeteria.

As she was enjoying her meal, a certain lad approached her.

"Heya Kirei" he smirks at her and took a seat right beside her.

She returned the smirk and replied, "huh, already on a first name basis eh Karma?" and took another spoonful of rice into her mouth.

Karma was impressed by how she handled their first conversation. He was expecting that she'd totally freak out knowing that a sadistic psycho was talking to her.

"Would you prefer me calling you something kinky?" he retorted back.

That caught the girl off guard. She stared at the boy beside her, slightly blushing because of what he said. Karma noticed and laughed at her reaction.

"Nah, I'm just playin'. Though I would prefer if you call me by my first name, I'm more used to it you see."

Kirei got back to her senses and smiled at Karma, who was suddenly feeling weird.

"Well alright then, guess you can call me by my first name too!"

"Aww, but I don't mind calling you b---"

"Don't even go there mister" she smiled at him while holding up her fork, obviously threatening to stab him with it if he continues.

Karma just laughed at her cute little gesture.

He's made a friend.

"Sooo what brings you here all of a sudden?" Kirei asked as she puts away her lunchbox.

"I uh- right I uh just wanted to say sorry, again, for uh you know spilling a little bit of my drink on you"

His lazy eyes looked at her, feeling guilty since he was lost in his own thought causing him to bump into her.

Kirei just giggled. It's already the 6th time that this guy had apologized to her. She finds it quite funny since she's heard rumors about him being "bad and scary" but what she's experiencing now is quite the opposite.

She told him yet again that it was fine and she was at fault for running in the hallway.

They continued chatting with each other until the bell for the afternoon classes went off.

Karma was still feeling weird. He wasn't feeling sick, just really weird. Something unfamiliar to him. He found himself looking at his human strawberry. She was focused on the lesson their sensei was blurting out and jotting down notes.

He suddenly felt kinda weak. And his face was slightly burning up. Do I need to see a doctor? I'm feeling....A bit strange today he thinks to himself.

He looked away and tried to shake off the feeling and focused his attention back to the lesson.

Maybe it was because of the afternoon heat.

Pink and Red Strawberries (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now