n.m [ 🦋 ] stripper pt two.

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after you had stormed off noel is left alone in your dressing room not knowing what to do.

i don't understand how he thinks i can just let that shit go, i'll admit, i am not easy to apologise too but it's the fact of he thinks i'm just going to forgive him. he fucking hurt me, i was young but clearly oblivious to the fact that i weren't ready for a relationship. i need to apologise to noel myself as well though, i was a shitty person to him.
i heard footsteps behind me. "y/n, i am really sorry, like i actually fucking mean it. i was such a jerk, y/n. i should have never said that shit."
i looked at noel with glimmer of hope for sorting this shit out but i shut the idea off straight away, i'm not risking getting hurt again.
"goodbye noel."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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