Injured!Vilkas x reader

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The soft thuds of my boots hitting the rocky stone path was the only thing I heard in the forest for a while. As the signs pointing directions telling me where a city is lessened, so did the silence. The thick leaves of trees, and trees in general seemed to surround me more and more as I headed to the center of the forest.

"Okay, Y/'re're alone..." I whispered, trying to reassure myself. Suddenly, a dark brown, almost black wolf with blue eyes pounced on me from out of no where. I screamed and realized I left my weapon in my chest back at home. I pulled out a dagger, a pitiful weapon to use against wolves, and any other thing in general. I lashed at it, but sure enough it didn't effect it at all. I was about to lose hope when I heard a low chuckle and an accent.

"Aww, did I scare you?" Vilkas, a Companion, and my best friend (UNFORTUNATELY) laughed.

"Vilkas, that wasn't funny!" Vilkas laughed, then winced as he grabbed his shoulder. That's the spot where I hit him when he was a wolf... Oh no. I only NOW realized humans are weaker than wolves...werewolves, that is. Shoot!

"Vilkas, you okay?" He looked at his hand and saw the crimson liquid drip slowly off his hand and on the snowy ground. He grunted a bit in pain, I went to touch the dagger wound, and he hissed.

"Vilkas,...I-I...I'm so sorry....I didn...didn't...mean to..." I stuttered out. He smiled a little.

"Hey, it was my fault. I decided to prank you." I clenched his shirt gently, giving him a pleading look.

"Please,...let me try to heal you?" I asked. Vilkas looked away from my pleading gaze, a blush rising to his face.He nodded slightly. I grabbed some snow and compacted it around his wound, making him growl and hiss in pain.

"That hurts,...please..." I frowned. 

"I'm sorry. I can't let you head back this far out with a gash in your shoulder." I padded the snow down, making it hard for it to unravel and fall. His blue eyes widened and he bared his teeth.

"Stop it..."

"You said yes!" I grabbed his hand and sighed. "I'm done, Vilkas.." Vilkas grabbed onto my other hand and pulled me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him, shivering slightly from the cold and my bare hands touching the snow.

"You're freezing." I glared.

"You don't say."

"Let's go back..." I shook my head.

"I'm okay." Vilkas growled a bit, but sighed.

"Okay." He stroked my hand, making me shiver in delight a little. He noticed and smirked, then picked my up. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist, giggling a little. He winced as he felt his wound stretch a little. I nuzzled into his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around my waist a little tighter.

"Can we go home?" I asked tiredly. Vilkas chuckled.

"Of course..." 


Once we were back home, Vilkas carried me to his room, closing the door behind him. He gently set me on his bed, and he curled up next to me, wincing every now and then from his injury.

"I love you, puppy." I cooed tiredly. Vilkas pecked my lips and whispered in a low tone, "Sleep, love."

547 words

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