Pillow Talk

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**Riker's POV**

Last night I asked Ross if I could sleep with him. Cause ever since we were kids I would sleep with Ross when I ha a nightmare; so I asked him and he told me no several times until he cracked. I lay with Ross all night just watching the way he slept. I know what I have done to him and I'm sorry.

"Ross I know you're asleep but I am sorry for many and I mean many reasons. I'm sorry for sleeping with you, for leaving you and saying I love you, but I meant it. I really do; I love you and I don't care if Mom and Dad hate me. With me leaving you I just needed to think and I did. But you didn't let me in. I have had feelings for you for about 2 years now and I know I love you. I will never leave again unless you tell me to. My heart will be your's until not wanted any longer. I will wait until the end of the world to stop loving you."

"I love you too," Ross turned over and kissed me slowly. My arms tightened around Ross' body as his hands found my hair.

"So, so, so much, Rossy," I rest my forehead against his.

"I can't believe it," Ross snuggles into me more.

"Can't believe what?" I chuckle.

"This, us. I have always loved you since we were little."

"Well, I'm glad, but this has to stay between us for now."

"I'm coming out to Mom and Dad tomorrow after school."

"I'm coming out to school tomorrow and then to Mom and Dad."

"What do you think will be their reactions?"

"Knowing our parents.... Dad would be upset and not look or talk to us for a while. Mom would cry about her babies choosing the gay way and how she won't be getting grandkids, but will be happy."

"I just hope we can keep us under the radar for now."

"Don't worry; we will. Mom and Dad don't get home until 5 in the afternoon and we get home 3:30. Plus we can steal kisses at school."

"Perfect. Just like you."

"So, Ross will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes," he kisses me again. He pulls away and lays his head on my shoulder. I wrap Ross in my arms; holding him closer to me.

"We need to sleep school's tomorrow," Ross yawns.

"Night babe."

"Night boo."

**Skip to in the morning**

I woke up in Ross' bed with Ross gone. I smile hearing Ross singing from the bathroom. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I smile at Ross and he reflects. I go to the toilet and pee.

"Riker!" Ross shouts with flushed cheeks. I finish and over to him.

"What? I've peed in front of you before and don't forget we had sex."

"Still we need boundaries."

"Okay. We can make some," I peck his lips because I haven't brushed my teeth.

"Give me more," he pouts.

"I need to brush," I show my teeth.

"Well, I'm going. I'll see you at school."

"Hug," I muffle with my toothbrush in my mouth. He hugs me and kisses my cheek. I slap his butt as he walks out. I finish in the bathroom and get dressed. I sneak into Ross' room and wear his favorite pair of skinny jeans. I finish getting ready and go.

A/n: We lovelies are my reason for writing. I love the comments we leave.

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