Grassroots Sediment

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We married terrain.

A stone, a cliff

A mound of dirt

Adrift as dust

In drought the Earth is slain.

You can't isolate a fossil

Without a drift,

Around the skirts

Clear away the tarnished rust...

Time does swiftly kill.

Erosion pulls loose

The sands do sift

The quivering earths

No such thing as trust

Weight tightens the noose...

Call on the Flocks

Their wings; settled dust does lift

Seas of twisting birds

All of us must

Uncover the rocks.

MUSINGS #10:  History and conspiracies, lies and facts. So many things we are blindly believing, and so much we do not really know for sure. Keep a wary eye for those who entice you to turn your own head to look a different direction.     What you see or know is not always real...

Musings: A Poetry CompilationWhere stories live. Discover now