Riddle 2

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Fill me up with thoughts

Help me be studious and learn;

Give me knowledge, intelligence, and Understanding.

I will surmount

My dreams seeped in reality...

Grounded, expounded, and wrapped up in truth

Preserving identities of past and the present

Evolving and growing.

The secrets you teach are immeasurably humbling.

Among other grounds I find social acceptance,

The chalkboard chock full, covered in scribble

Echoes certain wisdom of wholesome conclusions.

In the form of answers, they're riddles themselves:

        The formula, the book, the essay, 

We well-behaved and nurtured,

Countless minds no further depraved. 

Cultivated, a field of rice is a staple. 

Wheat and barley, luscious pastries become

We follow the grain.

MUSINGS #19:     What am I?     Don't scroll down if you want to figure the riddle out for yourself!

ANSWER:  School, Education

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