Chapter 37

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I've had so much trouble sleeping. I keep thinking Richard is going to burst through the door again. So I spent the rest of my time awake until my alarm went off. I'm currently down in the dining room with Luke and his friends. Cass is on my lap devouring the orange slices and blueberry pancakes I gave home and I'm getting by on a hot cup of coffee two slices of toast with two strips of bacon and an egg sandwiched between them.

"Shit, I figured this was gonna happen." Ashton's voice grabs my attention. When I look up he and Michael—sitting beside him—are wearing the same expression. Dread and irritation.

"What? What is it?" Luke—sitting beside me asks.

"It's management." He turns the phone around to show Luke the a text message; as he does the others' phones go off one after the other.

Luke reluctantly pulls his phone out and reads the message that was sent. "Hello, boys. This is Margaret McRoy. I will be managing your UK tour while Mr. Williams is away. On that note I'd like to see you all today at 9am in the fourth floor conference room of Crimson Crest studios. For Luke Hemmings especially, (if possible) be accompanied by the woman claiming to be the mother of your alleged child. This meeting is mandatory and any who refuse to attend (with the exception of the mystery woman) will suffer severe consequences." He finishes and I swear we've all gone pale.

"Why are you shaken? She said you aren't forced to attend." Ashton asks.

"That's my job." I gulp down.

"What?" Luke whips his head to me.

"I work at Crimson Crest studios. I manage the fifth floor front desk. I-I know Margaret McRoy. She picks Cass up from school and brings him to the office for me when I'm swamped. I can't go with you to that meeting. The entire building either knows Cass or knows of his existence. Mrs. Crest loves having him around. I can't go with you to that meeting. Not even if I wanted to." I explain and Luke's cheeks turn a bright pink and his eyes land on Cass. "What?" I question before noticing all eyes are on us.

"Emily, Crimson Crest studios is our primary management company when on tour in the European region." Luke's voice almost shakes.

"Which means you and I were bound to find each other sooner or later." I swallow lightly and he grabs my hand to comfort me but I pull away. This is too much. All my efforts to protect my son, down the drain. Sure Cass meeting his father was written in the stars but that doesn't mean the outcome was as well. Luke could still leave us. I can only imagine what kind of pain that will bring him.

"I have to get Cass to school. I'll see you at the meeting." I say standing up.

"You're going?" Luke's eyes light up.

"Not as the mystery mother of Luke's child. If Margaret is leading the meeting I'll be working as her prep assistant." I grab an extra orange and slip it in Cass's lunchbox. "Give daddy a hug, hun, it's time for school." I instruct and he obliges giving Luke a tight hug and handing him his last orange slice. Luke takes it with a sad smile and watches Cass run back to my side and we exit the room.

The lobby is just down the hall and on the other end is the front door where the valet stand is. A cake walk in and of itself, but there is one obstacle. A giant hoard of girls draped in 5SOS merchandise. Some even carry poster boards covered in bright colors and pictures of random babies that read "Luke, it's me! Your child's mother! Please talk to me!" If Luke actually lives his life the way he dreamed he would I wouldn't be surprised if the actual women over the age of eighteen in the hoard really carried his other children if he has any.

I pull Cass into my arms and hug him close to my chest before making my way though the crowd. At first we're unnoticed but it doesn't last. Before I can get halfway through I feel someone yank my bag and stop me.

"Hey! I know you!" Her voice spits angrily and I turn to see the owner of the familiar shrill sound. It's the rude girl from the lift last night. I feel my face go ghost pail as I practically beg her to keep her voice down; but the devilish grin etched across hers is unmistakable. "You're the one who was with Luke Hemmings last night! Oh Em Gee!! Is that his son?" She shouts and everyone who heard her immediately turns to me.

I yank myself from her grip and try to move forward but am stopped when a bunch of girls trying to see Cass's face create a barrier.

"Oh my goodness! He has Luke's hair!"
"Can I hold him?!"
"Let me see him!"
"No I wanna hold him!"
"Let me get a picture!"
They all scream in my ears and attempt to reach over me to get to my son.

"Stop It! Get Off Of Him!" I scream shielding him with my body when he starts crying. "Don't Touch My Son!" I demand to no avail. Just as I yank Cass free from someone's grip someone else's hand swipes over my shoulder trying to get at him and nicks the side of my bottom lip instead.

"Emily!" An unfamiliar mans voice reaches me though the screaming and I find the owner to be a tall sun kissed buff man with black hair and brown eyes. He's draped in a fitted black T-shirt with "SECURITY" printed on his chest. "Come with me!" He hollers over the screaming when he reaches me and uses his body as my shield as he ushers me through the crowd.

The girls follow us all the way to the now empty dining room where the security guard opens the door just enough for me to slip through and closed it back to keep out the mob.

I waste no time rushing to the cleanest table I can find and laying Cass who can't stop panicking on it to check if they nicked him like they did me. "It's okay, pet. Shh shh shh. It's just mummy. I need to see if they hurt you. Did they hurt you, pet?" I coax him, limiting his limbs and checking his face for marks. Thankful he's completely unharmed aside from a few tears in his outfit. I lift his shaking frame off the hard wood and pull him as close to my chest as I can and try to lull him back into a sense of security. "I know, pet, I knows. It's okay, mummy's here." I hush him and he begins to settle.

I don't even notice the others until Luke tries to touch me and I cover away. I can't even meet his eyes. I can't say I'm surprised this happened. I'm just infuriated by what they just did to my son. And the Cleo Anderson girl caused it.

"Emily?" Luke's voice finally flows through and I slowly look at him, still in the eyes. "Just stick with us." He offers softly and I nod following them through the kitchen and put the back door. "Is Cass okay?" He asks and I nod again still too angry to let my words flow. "Is he still going to school?" He asks and I shake my head no. "To your job it is." Is the last thing he says before helping me into the giant SUV waiting for us in the private park.

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