☆Two: Nyanah☆

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Shortly after she left, I knew I should as well. Not only were the memories of her everywhere: In the trees, in the flowers, and even in the clouds, and Father was struggling at home since Mother left us when we were young, Amanda and I. But since then, it has been Father caring for us... But because I needed a fresh start. A new life. Anyway, I figured it would be better for father to care for the younger one—Amanda—Then care for two of us. We were already low on bells, and I was... I was old enough.

I made my move today. Father was in his study, where he always was these days. We couldn't afford the mortgages so of course he was studying the papers, and finding lawyers, and all that stuff Amy and I didn't understand.

"Father?" I creaked the door open. He was hunched over his desk, mumbling non-sense, calculating with his fingers. I felt a flash of guilt before I pushed it away.

"Nya," He croaked. "What's up?"

"I... I..." How was I going to put this? "Father... I've been thinking..." Father continued scribbling with his pen, and counting.

Nyanah. Just do it!

"See... I"

It's never going to happen if you don't speak!

"Father... I..."

Nyanah, GO!

"Father, I'm moving."

He stopped writing. He stopped counting. He put his pen down and turned towards me.

Her hair was still the exotic, sweet, light caramel it was before she left, but instead of a cute bob cut it was now twisted into two messy braids, complete with red bows. I saw my shocked expression mirrored in her eyes as she turned around. Rosali, was the last person I expected to see in this quiet village.

"I'm... It's....!" She spluttered, eyes wide, fingers fidgeting.

"It's Nya." I finished.

Her shocked look shifted into a hostile glare as her voice hardened. "I know. Did you expect me to forget who you are after what you'd done?"

I flinched. "No," My voice was barley above I whisper. "After what I'd done, I expected you to deny who I am."

She was staring at the ground, obviously avoiding eye contact. "Look... Nyanah, I... have things to do... as I'm the mayor..."

I noticed it within 0.01 seconds.

"Since when am I "Nyanah"?"

She looked up and into my eye. "Since you broke your promise to me and my family." She turned to go and began walking, clearly not fazed about our encounter.

"Rosali! I've said this before and I'll say it again! I'm sorry!" I said. "How many times do I have to say it? When will you hear me?"

Rosali stopped, but didn't bother turning around. "I don't want to hear it," she spat. "I want to see it." She broke into a run, caramel braids flying out behind her, as she disappeared into an orchard of permissions and then a building.

 Whatever happened to starting a fresh, new life?

Lunari: an Animal Crossing FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora