☆Four: Rosali☆

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"Thanks, Rosali!" Antoino made his way  to the exit.

"My pleasure!" I called. "Come again!" I loved working at the Roost, and seeing all those happy faces with their yummy coffees.

The door slammed shut as Antiono left. Was he the last customer? I started to slump over; It was 10:48 PM—Way later than my bed time. I yawned, seriously wondering why Brewster hasn't dismissed me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my part-time job at the Roost, but it was getting late...

"Um, can I have a coffee?"

Oh! I must have dozed off. I sat up, checking the time. 10:58 PM. Only 10 minutes, but still. 

"Sure," I mumble, my eyes adjusting to the light.  "What will it be—" Oh. It's Nyanah. And she's wearing the same outfit as me?! Well, not same exactly, but... I'm wearing the black cat outfit that I bought yesterday: Black cat dress and hat. She's wearing the bunny outfit, with the bunny dress and hat. Fancy that.

"Blend, with lotsa milk and three lumps of sugar. Please." Nyanah says.

"Sure," I half-mumble, looking for the coffee bean bag labelled "blend". Found it.

"Hey, Rosa?" Nyanah asks me while I'm preparing her coffee beans.

"Rosali," I correct her. Hurt flashes through her eyes, but hey, she brought it upon herself.

"Uh, Rosali." She fidgets with the seams of her bunny dress. "Do you remember when I fell out of the town tree? Back in our old town?"

I pour the milk into the to-go coffee cup. "Yes, it was one of the scariest days of my life. Good thing you only broke your nose, and bruised your head." I responded.

"Yeah... I was lucky," She agreed, smiling. "What was I thinking, climbing that tree? And at seven years old, too!" She laughed.

"Yeah." I put the sugar in her coffee, not at all in the mood to laugh along with Nyanah. "Your coffee's ready."

Nyanah stopped smiling and took the coffee from me.


"No problem. Um, hope it's fine." I wiped my hands on my apron. "Goodnight, Nyanah." I hope she took this as a cue to skedaddle—A.K.A GET OUT.

"Goodnight, Rosa." She started heading to the door.

"Rosali," I corrected once again, and turned around.

"Sorry," she whispered, opened the door, and stepped outside.

I woke up the next morning feeling not refreshed at all. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I fell asleep at 11:38 PM, or maybe it had to do with last nights encounter with Miss Bunny. Either way, I was not as excited as I would be to see that I had mail.

I yawned as I opened my mail box to fetch the letter. It better not  be from Nyanah. I take it out and oh—Look at that!—It's from Mom! I perk up instantly; Mom's letters always cure the worst of moods.

I carefully teared open the envelope, and took the paper out to read.

RosaliYou must read this. Not junk mail, nor my usual kissy mail. This is important.

I'm writing this quicklyRosa, this is an emergency. Your dad is very ill, and the doctor is having some doubts. I don't want to believe it, but I share those doubts. His symptoms started about... a week ago, but it's been spreading through hime like a wildfire. We passed it off as a cold, but he only got worse. Rosa, he can no longer eat, walk, or use the bathroom his own. He's been asking for you, because as you know, your dad is not a clueless person. He knows he may not make it much longer. 

 Rosali, I ask that the moment you finish reading the last character on this letter, you speak to Porter and head for our town. None of us are sure how long your father will hold up. 

We're waiting. —Mom

I drop the letter.

No. Nonononononononononononononono. Not Dad. Not Dad. Not Dad. Dad is one of the strongest and bravest people I know! Why Dad? Why Dad? Why Dad? Why Dad!?

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