☆Five: Nyanah☆

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I promised  Bam, who moved here  recently, that I'd fetch him an apple. I'd been feeling unexplainable guilt and loneliness, so that would gibe me something to let my mind rest. Although I'm still having troubles navigating this flowery, fruity town. Mostly I see perfect oranges and other fruit orchards. Where's the apple orchard?

 I looked around; Oranges, peaches, permissions... Ah! I saw the apples. I looked down at the path below my feet. I had a feeling that if I followed it I might get lost again, map or no map. so I took a shortcut through the blue roses to get to my target. 

 I was passing the train station, apples now fully within my point of view, when I saw Rosali running up to its entrance.

  Off visiting... "friends" again?  I thought bitterly, then realized: Ugh, It was obvious! The reason why I'd been restless and feeling random guilt, growing more lonelier each day—I missed Rosali.

 I watched as she took that blue rose out of her mouth—She had changed her outfit again: A blue princess dress and a black, floppy sunhat found at GracieGrace, with the blue rose.

  I watched as she walked over to a path of grass and planted it randomly, almost blindly. That was unlike Rosali. She may as well be called OCD, she was so strict about precision and neatness. That blue rose stood out among the yellow pansies.

 She walked inside of the train station, and I followed her.

 I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder, and she whirled around.

 "Hey, Rosali, are you visiting those friends again? The ones who give you free stuff and bells?" I couldn't help but notice the venom that each syllable was coated in. I was going to laugh, a bitter laugh—When I saw her face.

 The laugh died in my throat. "R-Rosa, what's wrong?"

 I noticed her eyes were red and puffy, as if she'd been crying. She was trembling, in fact, and biting her lip anxiously.

 She met my gaze and looked away. She began talking, not even bothering to acknowledge that I'd used her nickname. 

 "My dad might die..."

 "What?!" I practically screamed. Mr. Beckett—Rosali's father—Had been like family to me and Father, especially during one of our worst times in our lives, along with Mrs. Beckett.

 "As if you'd care," Rosa hissed.

 My heart stopped. "Rosali..." I didn't know what to feel. I felt, hurt, confusion, sadness, and a lot of others... But above them all, I felt anger. I was angry at how quickly she could think I wouldn't care that her father—My second father, almost—was suffering and might die.

 "I'm going to visit him. He's been asking for me." Rosali said at last, clearly not noticing my face was shadowed with anger.

 "I'm coming with you." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could even collect them as thoughts.

 "You're—What?" Rosali shot back quickly, the words processing in her mind much quicker than it had in mine.

 "I'm... Coming... With you," I said. "Your dad is like family to me. Like a second dad." My voice cracked.

 "Since when?" Rosali's words were as cold as ice.

 "Since my mother left and he found me crying alone in the forest."

Her glare softened—For just one moment—Before it shaped itself back into sadness and annoyance.

"I remember when he brought you home." And that was all she said before she turned around to speak to Porter, for... for two  train tickets!

I took a seat in the yellow "Waiting seats" By the side and waited, my mind wandering. 

 Soon, about 30 minuets passed and they were still talking. I decided to listen, getting bored.

 I stiffened. 

 "But, Porter, I need  two tickets! One, at least! My father is ill, I'll offer you 100,000 bells!" Rosali was begging, clearly on the verge of tears. 

 "I'm sorry, Miss Mayor, but an area in the train track is broken. It'll be at least two weeks before it's fixed," Porter explained.

 "Please..." Rosali was begging—And sobbing.

 "I'm sorry..." Porter began. "It's dangerous. You cannot take train. But..." He glanced at me. "I can arrange with Kapp'in to take boat to destination." He said.

 Rosali only nodded. 

 "Just get us there as soon as you can." I said.

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