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People who ever got the nerve to ask the Sheriff of Lynchwood a question usually asked the same one, after of course “Why do you hate puppies?” and “Why are you such a fucking monster?”. That question being “Why skags?” Her boyfriend was CEO of one of the biggest corporations in the galaxy, he had a massive army of robots at his disposal, he could easily build her a squad of robot mounts for her deputies, so why did they ride skags, arguably the most ornery, tempermental, and bumpy creatures on Pandora, and there was no shortage of competition. Normally, Nisha would answer their questions with something along the lines of “Because this town is mine, and I don’t need his help ‘civilizing’ it.”, followed by a boot to the face if they were lucky. Of course, that wasn’t the ONLY reason. She had a certain fondness for skags, despite their hideous visages and brutal habits, she’d always liked them. At least with skags, you knew what to expect, which is not often the case on Pandora. She also had a burning, secret fetish for them.

In her youth, when she was just getting started out on her bounty hunting journey that would eventually lead her to being the widely feared Sheriff of Lynchwood, she was even more reckless and thrill seeking than she was these days. One night, after having FAR too much to drink, she was thrown out of her favorite watering hole. She decided to take her frustration out on a group of nearby skags. This turned out to both be a very good and a very bad idea, for a variety of reasons.

Her first shot missed. Obviously. She could usually hold her liquor, but right now the world was wobbling under her feet. But she was still the Lawbringer, damn it! That was just a warning shot, yeah. Several of the skags turned around, snarling, ready for action, charging towards her, including a pair that had been rutting furiously before being so rudely interrupted. Nisha half charged, half wobbled towards them as well, picking off most of the weaker members of the pack with a single shot. Eventually, the only one remaining was the huge, armored, aroused Alpha Skag, and he was fairly pissed about his pack being shot to pieces. Nisha could certainly tell it was a He, too, its knotted, animalistic pecker was still wobbling between its hind legs, bright red and dripping precum onto the sand. Nisha’s drunk mind regarded it for a few moments. She was, of course, no stranger to dicks. She’d fucked almost as many people as she’d killed. Sometimes, those people were on the same list. She liked to think of herself as a sexually awakened young lady; but when she saw that skag dick, and smelled the waves of musk coming off of it as it charged towards her, something turned on inside her. She was so busy thinking about her reaction towards it that she didn’t notice the skag pouncing until it was nearly too late. Luckily, her trusty Jakobs shotgun was in her grip before she knew it, and the skag was history, a gaping hole blown in its ugly head. Her mind was still racing as she stumbled back to her apartment, tossing her gear on the floor. It was so fucking huge...and red. She was unconsciously licking her lips as she thought about it, her mouth salivating. She managed to escape her tight jeans and stumbled over to her bed, opening up her ECHO device and going to the seediest porn site on the net.

For the next two days, Nisha didn’t leave her apartment. She instead found pretty much every skag porn site she could find, eagerly clicking on videos and flipping through galleries, her hand buried in her wet snatch. She licked her lips as she watched the lucky bitch getting railed by a pup skag get knotted, that huge red cock disappearing into her ass. God, she wished that was her. She reached into her bedside drawer, fumbling around for a bit before dragging out her favorite toy; long, veiny, and a lovely shade of purple...but human. Nisha frowned, but began lubing it up anyway. She’d have to order something from one of those specialty sites soon...for freaks like her. She shuddered as she thought of it. Yeah, she had always been kinda kinky she supposed, but not like this. She felt excitement starting to well up in her stomach as she thought about how fucked up what she was thinking about was. What she was watching, too. She pulled up a video of some dude getting orally knotted and went to town, shoving that huge toy up her puss without care. She panted, blushing, as she watched, furiously fucking herself. It wasn’t THICK enough, she needed more. In a horned up haze, she fished through her drawer again, pulling out another toy, not bothering to lube it up before jamming it into her cunt. Her eyes glazed over as she went from video to video, bedsheets getting soaked by her secretions. Finally, after watching some broad get double stuffed by a pair of Alphas, she came, shuddering, moaning loudly, squeezing around the two toys in her cooch, before passing out cold, ECHO still going.

When she came to, she was sopping with sweat, and she needed to wash her sheets, but she didn’t have an ounce of shame. Usually, when people get their rocks off to stuff like that, they realize how fucked up it is after they cum, and never go back to it...until they need to get off again. Not Nisha Kadam, though. She was never one for regrets. She pulled her shorts back on and opened up another tab in her ECHO, after making sure to bookmark the site she was on last night, and immediately ordered 3 new toys from, all, of course, modeled after skag dicks. One was for starting out, getting her used to the feeling, and the other two were for when she was ready to step it up. After her breakfast of black irish coffee and a stale bagel, she searched around until she found a forum for freaks like her. While SkagFuckerCentral seemed a bit on the nose, it certainly had a lot of resources, and people who shared her interest. She felt only a tiny bit self conscious as she tried or a screen name for herself, settling on ‘KnottyGalKadam’. It was just as on the nose as the site’s own name. She looked in the beginner thread, which contained tips and tricks on how to tame skags, what they responded to sexually, different species, safety precautions. Apparently they were drawn to strong sexual musk, so people were advised to not shave or shower if they wanted to attract a horny skag. As Nisha got up to take a piss, she looked at herself in the full body mirror she kept in her room. That wouldn’t be too much of a problem. The apartment she lived in didn’t have hot water, and she worked hard every day, working up a sweat. She lifted her shirt off, flexing a bit. Her breasts were small, but very round and perky. Her belly was flat and toned, a few scars here and there. She had a thick happy trail leading from her bellybutton down to her bush, which was thick and curly, her labia just visible underneath the thick patch of hair. She’d always been pretty hairy, it was in her blood. Anywhere not covered in burn scars, you could see her jet black hair against her dark tan skin. She stopped ogling herself and did her business, coming back to her bed to see that she had a new private message from someone named “BigMomma”. She opened it up.

[Hey there, sugar. New here~?] Nisha opened up her holo-keyboard, taking a sip of coffee.

[yeah just joined up this morning. only recently realized this was one of my kinks]

[Ooooh, a fresh one, hmm~? Haven’t even taken a knot yet~?]

[no but trust me im fucking looking forward to it]

[Oh it’s amazing~. Nothing like it in the whole world~.] Damn, this bitch liked her tildas.
[so how long have you been here you talk like youve been here for a while]

[Oh, I’ve been here since the beginning, pretty much~. I’ve always loved fucking skags~. So I usually take it upon myself to greet anyone new~.]

[how nice of you so i assume this site is like entirely anonymous right]

[Oh, of course~. No need to reveal anything you don’t want to, darling~.]

[good because while im not ashamed of this i dont think itll be a good move to publicly say im into fucking skags in my line of work]

[Oh, I completely understand darling~. Now, is there anything you wanted to ask me~?] Nisha had a lot of questions actually, but right now she had to go to work, she had bandits to hunt down.

[later i gotta go do shit but i wanna ask you a lotta stuff] She reluctantly closed her ECHO and went to get dressed and armed, wondering for a moment what the fuck she was doing with her life, but then casting the thought aside and loading her trusty revolver.

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