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The stables were right next to the Sheriff’s office, so thankfully she didn’t have to sneak across town to get knotted. She also kept a gun handy, just in case some looky- loo spotted her at the wrong time. Nisha shuddered with anticipation for her weekly visit, drawing her leather coat tightly around her naked form. She’d sprayed herself with pheromones that evening, and hadn’t showered for a week, so she was sure to be popular that night. She stole through Lynchwood’s empty streets before arriving at the skag stables, slowly opening the door and locking it behind her. She and Winger were the only ones with keys, and Winger NEVER came in here. She placed the key on a side table as she took deep breaths, her knees almost knocking together at the heavy, musky, bestial scent in the air, all those horny skags fast asleep. She took off her boots and went into the first stall, starting herself off, as always, with the smallest. None of her skags were small, per-se, but this one was the runt. He was used for training new riders.

“Hey, lil guy…” Nisha purred, opening her coat, letting all those pheromones waft in the skag’s direction. The beast stirred, sniffing the air. “Yeah...there you’s that time of the week again...mommy needs to get filled.” She let her coat drop as the tamed skag got up, shaking the hay off its back, that knotted dick already poking out of its sheath. The Sheriff licked her lips and went down on her knees, crawling towards it.

The first time Nisha took a knot, she pissed herself. It was a synthetic knot from one of those (ludicrously expensive) toys she ordered, not a real flesh and blood one, but still it was a little embarrassing, though Nisha couldn’t pretend that she didn’t enjoy it a little. The huge, fleshy intrusion was so sudden that it startled her bladder, causing her to piss around the huge fake dong lodged deep in her cunt. It had been about a month since she joined SkagFuckerCentral. She’d talked to BigMomma (her real name was Roxxie supposedly, though Nisha had suspicions about her true identity.) Almost constantly when she wasn’t out working. Roxxie sent her guides on how to take knots, skag reproductive anatomy, even videos of herself getting knotted by her own personal skag, Dyno. Nisha quickly saved those to her ECHO for future use. Nisha hadn’t had sex with someone in 2 weeks, a pretty long drought for her. She’d started dressing more provocatively, though she didn’t really know WHY. Skags didn’t respond to that, and the combination of BO and skag pheromones she’d ordered off the internet didn’t really appeal to potential partners. She just...felt like it, she supposed.

The day her toys arrived, Nisha came back from killing a group of scummy bandits wearing her signature short leather jacket and hat, along with a far too small tank top with a scandalous amount of holes in it, and a pair of denim booty shorts that hugged her shapely ass well. She nearly tripped over the fancy box sitting on her doorstep. As soon as she saw the logo she snatched it up and threw it on the bed, booting up her ECHO as she undressed. She thought back to the conversation she and Rox had a week ago. It was a lazy day, she was dressed in nothing but a long T-shirt, and she was idly chewing on a piece of pizza when a DM from BigMomma popped up on her ECHO.

[You said that you ordered some fancy skag cock toys, right sugar~?]

[yeah from naughty thresher what about em]

[Well, I was just thinking, you should make a video the first time you use them~. Post it to the forums~.] Nisha chewed on that thought, and her pizza, for a moment.

[i thought you said all this shit was anonymous]

[It is, sugar~! But you can always blur your face out, modulate your voice a little~.]

[good point shit i just might do it sounds like fun]

So here she was, setting up her webcam and activating the ‘blur face’ option. She made sure that it was working before hitting record. Despite herself, she was feeling a bit self conscious.

“Mmmmm, hey’m KnottyGalKadam, you mighta seen me around. I just bought some of these uh...high quality toys from Naughty Thresher. So think of this as half unboxing half watching a skag loving bitch taking her first knot.” Luckily her face was blurred out because she was blushing, her cheeks a dark brown as she walked over to her bed, ECHO zooming in as she opened the box. “So...I ordered three of them, each based on a different kind of skag. This one is based on a normal, run of the mill skag.” She held up a bright red, extremely detailed replica of a skag dick that was roughly 8 inches long, the knot at its base easily over half that. “Then I got the pup skag starter toy, which is the one I’m gonna be using.” She held up a slightly smaller toy of similar color, this one about 6 inches long, with a 3 inch knot. “And this one….mmm, the Alpha...this’ll be a long term stretch goal.” She giggled at her own stupid pun as she held up the Alpha, 10 inches long and a 4 and a half inch knot. She then adjusted herself, putting the other toys back in their box and prepping the pup for its first trip.

It went fine at first, slipped in nice and easy. She made a show of moaning and writhing, but in truth she wasn’t that far off from making those noises for real. It felt great, sure, but it was mostly the fact that she had a skag cock inside her. Granted, not a real one, but man did it feel real. She slowly began thrusting, hand wrapped around the built in hilt as she fucked herself, the plastic knot slapping against her wet lips from time to time, like it was knocking, seeing if it could come in yet. She groped at her chest as she fucked herself with that skag dick, shuddering. She briefly thought that she should probably have put down a towel or something before doing this, but then the thin, pointy tip of the skag dick pressed against her just right and she moaned loudly. She didn’t notice that the knot was getting close to popping into her before it was too late. She felt her entrance get stretched wide, eyes popping open before letting out a loud yell as the tip of the toy tickled her cervix. She bucked her hips as she shuddered, only realizing the warmth sprinkling over her belly as it jetted out just below the knot was piss. She was too horny to care about it at the moment, but she had a brief thought of “that’s gonna be a pain to clean up.” before having one of the biggest climaxes of her life. She pulled the toy out and licked it clean before going back to her ECHO. “Mmmmgh...I made a little bit of a mess...but...that was so fucking good. Can’t wait for the real thing.” She blew a kiss before shutting off the recording, setting it to upload, and going to clean up her apartment.

The post exploded on the forums. Everyone was sending her DMs now. She sat in bed, idly sucking on the pup toy as she typed, wearing her usual pajamas of a long t-shirt and boyshorts.

[Holy shit that was one of the hottest fucking thing’s i’ve ever seen!]

[thanks skagboy i aim to fuckin please]

[I didn’t know you were into watersports!]

[its not a big thing or anything but im kinda into it] She let the toy rest on her chest as she answered a few other DMs.

[you don’t shave at all, huh? Is that because skags are attracted by it?]

[partially i also dont give enough of a shit about it most of the time]

[Oh My GOD you have to record yourself taking that ALPHA knot when you DO IT]

[haha i definitely fucking will baby] So many different messages, from people asking about how she got into skags, to where she got the toys, to wondering if she would fuck them with a skag style strap on. Eventually, Nisha decided to go AFK for a bit and catch up on an ECHO cast she was behind on. Not everything she did needed to be about knotty Pandoran wildlife, after all.

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