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Bucket (n.) - Military slang for a trooper's helmet.

Buckethead (n.) - Slang among Imperial troopers for a standard Stormtrooper.

civvies (n.) - Military slang for a civilian.

dejarik (n.) - A two-player holo-board game played on a circular board where holographic creatures fight one another.

ISD (n.) - Shorthand for an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Kando (n.) - The Mando'a word for "worth".

Kath Hound (n.) - a large, four-legged carnivorous animal native to Dantooine; fully mature Kath Hounds have two large horns protruding from either side of their heads; an incredibly powerful Albino one is a local legend on Dantooine.

Kriff (expl.) - A swear word akin to "damned"/"damn".

Loth-cat (n.) - A small, cat-like carnivore native to Lothal.

Nerf (n.) - A large herbivore raised for milk, hide, and farming purposes; their rancid odor made them repulsive despite their all-around usefulness.

pazaak (n.) - A card game where the objective is for the player to get to twenty using cards with positive and negative values.

Shiny (n./adj.) - A slang term used originally by clone troopers to either address or refer to new recruits in reference to their new armor.

Vod (n.) - The Mando'a term for "brother"; the plural of the word is "vode".

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