Chapter IX. The Dream

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"I told you I wouldn't let you leave." A voice echoed around me. It was pitch black, except for a candle slowly flickering. Where was I, How did I get here, and whose voice was echoing? Those were the questions that were circling my mind. I watch the flame begin to slowly burn away. I gasp as a pair of arms make their way around my waist. I close my eyes tightly listening to the rhythm of the man's heart. It was calming. "Naomi." The man's voice was both gently and kind. I-I know this man's voice. I squeal in surprise as a pair of lips find my neck. "N-Na-Naruto." I manage to whisper. As his lips hit a certain spot on my neck a small moan escapes my lips. I open my eyes slightly and turn myself around. I can barely make out the image standing before me. His bright blue eyes stick out the most. I stare into his blue orbs. "Naruto..." I pause and look at toward the darkness avoiding his face. My eyes are brought back to his by his index finger. "I love you Naomi, I loved you then and I love you now." Saying this he crashes his soft lips onto mine. As the flickering candle fades away so do I.

I open my eyes in disappointment. I was once again in the arms of the man I cared for deeply and now here I am, alone. I don't know where I am. It seems to be a place of my past. I stand in the pouring rain watching the branches of a Willow Tree sway. "It's where we first met." A raspy voice says. I look up as I see the man who had showed me the most kindest while I had forgotten my past. "I remember now." I whisper. "I was only 6 when we met." I feel his warm breath on my neck. "I saved you from drowning." He whispers. I close my eyes slowly. "You could've went elsewhere." I reply turning myself to face him. "You didn't have to join my father." He says noting. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Itachi." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. When my memories returned I had gotten the feelings I had in the past also. I had fallen in love with Itachi long before my memories were wiped clean. That was 10 years ago, before Madara had figured out I was his child. "I wish he hadn't have found you." Itachi says under his breath. I take his hand in my own. "I wish he hadn't found either of us." I say looking deep into his eyes. He gently leans in. As I feel his lips barely brush against mine I'm once again swept away to another place.

This time I find myself in a storm. I collapse to my knees at the sight before me. "Itachi..." I say through my tears. I crawl my way to the bloody body lying before me. I caress his bruised face with my fragile hand. As tears fall onto his chest I look up to see a blurry figure covered in blood also. I can't see this figure. I try to stand up but my knees fall back to the earth causing more tears to swell in my eyes. I collide my head against Itachi's chest. I long to hear his comforting heartbeat once more. I long for his arms to wrap around me. I long for his kiss.

I jump up. I softly stroke my lips with my index finger. "I-It was just a dream." I whisper. I close my eyes remember the touch of Itachi and Naruto's lips. Oh how I longed for that feeling. I begin to claw my wrist forcing those feelings back deep inside me. This feeling mustn't happen. I will feel nothing but hatred. That is what I must long for now.... Even if it kills me.

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