Chapter XXXIV. Blood-Stained Tears

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I coughed up blood as a hand connected with my stomach. I gripped my neck gasping for breath as my sight became blurry. "Naomi, i can help." I heard a voice within my head. Flickering my eyes opened and closed I stood before my demon.

Kemono had bloodlust in his eyes and he stared down at me. I was no longer covered in scales only in ripped bloody clothing that hung from my fragile frame. I was vulnerable and weak. "Give in to me." my dragon demon said bending down to my level. I shut my eyes closed as he lifted my chin up with his claw. "Give into me, Naomi! Use your hatred!" His voice was forceful. I gulped opening my eyes as I stared into his red ones. "Take me." I say as my scared frown turns into a blood thirsty smirk. Kemono grinned, "Good girl." He forcefully claimed my lips.

I lick the blood from my lips, standing to my feet. I was fully submerged in power. My hatred was risen and I wanted my father's heart. "So you gave in like a weakling?" My father spat at me. I smirk bringing my wrist to my lips bearing my fangs. "Oh, I have done more than that." I say biting into my wrist, slurping the blood from my veins. With every drop I feel my eyesight extend, my slits for pupils show me my enemy's weak spots. I withdrawn my wrist as I slang myself toward the elder Uchiha. I close my eyes as Kemono takes control.

---Time Skip---

I grip the sword that is wedged into my side. I tug on it biting down on my bottom lip causing my fang to puncture it. "Dammit..." I whisper letting go of the katana handle and dropping my head onto the blood covered ground. My eyelids are heavy and my breathing is raspy. My skin slowly changes back and I know Kemono has tired himself. I grip the ground with my bloodstained fingertips, "Naomi.." I look toward my right seeing my father crawling toward me. I manage a smirk onto my lips which quickly fades due to the blood filling my lungs.

"You l-look wo-worse than I do." I stutter out. His body stops about 4 inches from my own and I see his body move slightly up and down signaling his quite chuckle. I may have a hatred toward the dying man in front of me, but he is my father.

He moves his head letting his bangs fall to the side leaving his eyes in plain sight. I let the breeze sweep my sweaty bangs away from my face. I look into my fathers eyes for what seems like an eternity. His features match mine almost perfectly...his eyes...his lips...his nose....its almost not normal. My eyes drop down onto his lips as a small smile forms onto them.

"Naomi." His voice isn't as it was before this time there is a hint of caring in his lingering voice. I blink watching his breathing slowly die down. "I am proud of you." I raise an eyebrow at his comment. "I am proud to call you an Uchiha, I am proud to call you my daughter."

A tear slowly races down his cheek as his lip forms into a bigger smile. I gasp for a breath as tears begin to pour from my eyes. "I am proud to call you father!" I yell through my blood stained tears. I look toward my father as his eyes close and his chest begins to stop moving up and down. "father..." I whisper dragging my withering body closer to the dying man in front of me. I intertwine my fingers with his own as my lips find his forehead. "Thank you." a whisper escapes his lips. I place my hand onto his chest as his heart slowly stops beating and I am left with only my hand on a pile of dust.

I began to sob hysterically causing myself to strangle on the blood and tears. I manage to get myself on my feet, screaming at the top of my lungs. My sight is blurry and my ears ring. I stick my hands out in front of me and feel a body. I quickly push the person away as I fall onto the ground again causing the sword buried in my side to go deeper into my skin. I look to my side and see blurry feet and then I feel my body being slung over a shoulder. I try to struggle, but there is no fight left within my dying body.

"Sa-Sasuke." I manage to choke out causing the man holding me to stop dead in his tracks. I focus my eyes as the raven-haired man sits me against a large stone. I hear a faint cry of a baby coming from a pouch upon his back and I force a weak smile onto my blood dripping lips. "I love you." I whisper pulling him into my arms. He withdraws and places his lips upon mine. "Please take care of Itachi's legacy.." I whisper coughing up more blood into my dirty hand. He shakes his head, tears filling his eyes. I place my hand onto his cheek. "Forgive me..." I say closing my eyes forever.


you are the caregiver of a legacy, Sasuke.


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