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"What was that?" I wonder aloud.

I half expect an answer, but the forest is oddly silent. Something in me wants to venture out to follow it, but leaving Alfie alone is dangerous. There are definitely others of my kind around, and it's not long before they catch his scent.

Casting one last glance out into the darkening forest, I turn around and walk back inside.

"Find anything fun?" Alfie asks.

"I did not," I reply.

He frowns at me and continues folding his clothes. I watch as he expertly repacks everything. Alfie doesn't mess up once.

"I take it that this isn't your first time hiking?" I ask, laying out on the couch.

"Nope! I go a lot. . . this is my first time in this part of the rainforest, though," He tells me, turning around and resting his head by my legs.

"Oh yeah? You go by yourself?"

"Yes. Hiking with other people annoys me so I'll pack up for a few days and head out."

"That sounds nice."

"I would live in a place like this, if I could," Alfie sighs.

"Why don't you?" I sit up on my elbows and look down at him.

"I don't know, work, the small social life I have. . .," He looks up, at a loss for more reasons.

"Sounds fun out there in civilization," I sarcastically state.

"I'm not sure what's stopping me from going off the grid."

"Well, you better figure it out before it's too late."

I crane my neck up and inspect one of my plants.

"How did you do it?" He asks, resting his head on his hands.

"It wasn't a choice," I drop the leaf and gaze at him. "I was left in the house I lived in when I was changed. I couldn't go into public as a new born, or else I would have exposed myself, so I took to the forest. I lived up in the trees for a while, but one day, I found this place, old and decrepit, so I fixed it up a bit and here I am now."

"So it really was a fixer-upper."


"Was everything else a lie?"

"Not particularly," I admit.

"What was?"

"I don't know my age, I didn't go to college at all, but I do like biology," I inform him.

"That answers my question about the plants," Alfie says.

I smile and nod.

    "So," I flip on my stomach and look at him. "What brought you to Washington?"

    "I visited Seattle when I was in high school for something in marching band and I fell in love with the area. The rain makes me happy, too." He tells me happily.

    "Where did you live before here?"

    "I lived up in the Appalachians of Virginia. It's absolutely beautiful out there. . . weather. . . perfect. . .," A thud comes from outside and all of Alfie's words begin to fade. "I miss. . . a lot. . . visit again soon."

    I flash him a quick smile and stand. The thuds continue. It's not an animal and Alfie can't hear them— these knocks are meant for me.

    "Alfie, I need to step outside for a second. Don't open the door if anyone knocks," I demand softly.

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