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Just as Sylvia said, we arrive about 300 feet from the manor in five minutes. I set my bag down behind a tree and let myself rest for a minute. Sylvia stands watch as I do so, sneaking another one of my blood bags into her cape. Once I'm good to go, I quietly stand and stand next to Sylvia. Together, we creep slowly towards the manor, alight with oil lamps indoors, as seen through the old windows.

We stop behind another thick tree. Sylvia points to the tower on the left. Atop the brick cylinder is one singular, barred window, encased with old glass to keep out the snow. Ivy coils around the structure, making for an easy climb.

A movement to the right catches my eye. I move my gaze over to the giant wooden doors, the obvious entrance to the establishment. Two guards lean against either side of the door, each equipped with a wooden pole. I look closer and realize that the poles come to a wicked point at the top. A wooden stake. Perfect for killing any supernatural intruders. . . like myself.

Sylvia notices me staring at them and makes a waving motion with her gloved hand as if to say, "Don't worry about them, they're useless."

I nod and concentrate back on the tower. As I look up to the window, a shadow moves beyond the bars and glass. The silhouette gets closer and closer until finally, I can make out a head of blonde hair. I poke my head out more as they get closer to the glass, no doubt noticing me behind the tree.

Alfie's face comes into view. He squints and suddenly, his face lights up. He begins to bounce and wave his arms. I can't help but laugh at the sight of him. But my laugh quickly stutters to a stop as Alfie suddenly disappears from the window and Sylvia snaps her head in the direction of the window. Her pupils turn into slits and she begins to shake.

She slowly turns her head towards me, eyes like blood boring into my soul. My breath hitches.

"He knows," She whispers, her voice a mere squeak.

My blood runs cold as I look back at the tower and find the figure of Winsley standing in the window with a feline smile. He gives a slow flutter of his fingers as a wave.

Sylvia flinches when I snap the stake in my hands in half, my vision turning red.

"Roisin. . .," She trails off, staring at me in horror.

"What?" I sneer, still staring at Winsley's retreating shadow.

"Y-Your eyes. . . they're glowing."

I look at her, noticing the slight reflection of green light on her fair skin. I say nothing, shocked.

Sylvia, grabs my shoulders and smiles proudly, trying to suppress her trembling.

"Your power is unmatched by any vampire in that building. I don't know how you became the way you are, but there is no way you'll lose. Go get your boy," She leans up and plants a kiss on my cheek before turning on her heel and dashing away into the darkness.

I watch her quickly disappear into the forest before turning back.

I drop the useless end of the stake and ready the pointed end. In a burst of energy, I run up to the guards and skid to a silent stop in front of them. They both start awake from their nap against the wall and regard me in confusion. Before they can say a word, I stab one in the heart, spraying frozen blood across my face. He grabs my arms as he slides down the wall, his face holding a silent scream. I turn towards the other, but he's already gone, leaving his stake and running in the same direction Sylvia did just moments ago.

"That was easy," I mutter, stooping down to pick up the guard's stake.

It towers at least 2 feet above me. A wicked grin splits across my face, my fangs pressing into my lower lip. This asshole was going to get what he deserved.

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