Log I - Alfie

15 1 0

February 10, 2019

What a turn of events, huh? I get lost in the rainforest of Northern Washington state, run into a nice vampire who helps me, and gets caught by mean vampires who want to eat me. I'm having so much fun, you have no idea.

Please note the sarcasm.

I woke up about 30 minutes ago with a whole buffet in front of me and a kind note explaining my fate. The blood sucking bastards won't even speak to me! Also, I have been given some things to entertain myself with while they fatten me up:
•one pencil
•a few books
•a deck of cards
They treat me like a fucking kindergartner.

So, here I will write my last few days for anyone who finds these.

I would first like to state my... appreciation towards Roisin (the only reason I know how to spell her name is because I may have looked through her room). I've only known her for maybe 24 hours, but I already deeply care for her well being, even if she's immortal. I wish I could have done something to help her. Her screams from outside absolutely destroyed me. I hope she's okay.

I'm well, and this food looks super good, but if it keeps me alive for longer, I'm not gonna eat it. No way in hell.

Uh oh, I can hear someone coming down the hall... I think it would be best to keep these hidden. Guess I better go.

~ Alfie Oliver

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