Jon and Catey: Just A Simple Kiss

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That's how it started a kiss. But not on the lips. No this kiss was on the neck. And it was slow and soft. And if felt like heaven. Jon knew that as soon as Catey backed away and left him alone that this would be stuck in his head.

Jon was a pretty straight forward guy. He was nice to his friends and was polite to adults. But Catey, she was special. She was somehow exactly what Jon wanted. And also exactly what he needed.

But she kissed him. And he felt wonderful. He felt alive.

It was a friday evening that had bled into the following morning. But it all started at 6pm the previous night.

It was a simple ring at the door. Catey was waiting for him. And Jon, well Jon was a bit late for what he thought was just a nice hangout between  coworkers.

When he went inside he saw the Chinese take out that they had planned to order in and he saw that Netflix was already pulled up on the tv.

Catey wasn't dressed up. But she wasnt a slob either. She wore nice leggings and a comfy tshirt. Jon wore a nice tshirt and a fresh pair of Jean's. They both cleaned up nice enough for what was supposed to be an innocent hangout.

Jon did find it strange though. How when she opened the door she seemed so much prettier. And more free. And to Catey, Jon was a nice guy she knew from work but now he was charming in a dorky way.

The evening was actually quite boring. They are while watching a movie. And shared a glass or two of wine but nobody got drunk. There was no moves made. It was sweet and simple until it was time to go.

Jon checked the clock and saw the numbers 10:30 staring back at him. It was time to go. He smiled and got up.

"I think it's time I head out"
"Oh? It's only 10:30?"
"Yeah just probably should head on home. Dont want to over stay my welcome is all."

Then she smiled. And got up and lead him to the door. She started to unlock the door then she turned around.

"If I kissed you. What would you do?"
"Wait... what?"
"If I kissed you right now. What would you do?"

Jon was lost he didnt expect this. So he played it smooth.

"A kiss from you? Well I guess I would just take the time and enjoy it."

Jon thought he was slick and then he felt her lips. Not on his own though. On his neck. Catey was pushed in close to him. Jon felt every rise and fall of her chest. It was amazing.

Then she started pushing him back towards the couch. He landed with a slightly cushioned thud. Then she climbed over him and kissed him all over. Up his chest and on his neck, all over his face and then she kissed his lips. And just held them there.

Then Jon found himself making out with Catey on her couch. They were both shirtless and it was beautiful. Her body had a perfect flow of muscle leading to bone and fat leading back to muscle.

Then he felt her hands unbuckle him. And he found himself undressing her as well. She wore cute little lacy things. And there color accented her skin so perfectly.

They were both naked after a time. And Jon was more than excited and Catey was loving every second. She loved touching him all over. He was firm but soft everywhere. It was a perfect mix of muscle and fat. The right amount of toned chest and limbs. She found him beautiful.

Then they became passionate. He felt her body against his. And then he felt his body in hers. And she felt him. And they both loved every moment. It was perfect and passionate and amazing. And it continued for hours.

They went through 3 condoms and most of the water in the house. They were in positions that they had only ever seen in porn. And they were both guide and follower for every step of the encounter.

Early the next morning Carey woke up. Jon was holding her close. Both still naked. Both still sweaty and exhausted. But together.

They both got up. Ordered more food to be delivered and then took a showed, together, and of course enjoyed another bout of frolicking.

They spent the weekend together. And by the time Jon got home. It was sunday night. And he was both exhausted and out of condoms. Even after buying more that saturday night.

Then they did it again the next weekend. Each time they felt each other. And each time felt like the first; Fiery, passionate, and loving.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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