I thought you wouldnt come?

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        *Day Of Dance*

Haley's P.O.V

  Woww Two weeks Goes By fast and Really Fast. First off my Mum Bought Me a White strapless dress that came down to my knees. And im going to the dance by myself. Hopefully Louis Isnt There or anyother werewovles. Liam and Niall Went up to Ireland for a Big Hunt, Apprently Alot of Alpha's goes up there and Mate's. well at least trys too. Danny is comeing over to fix my hair. her and Liam have been Very Close for the Past couple weeks. And of course Louis has Fun Getting into my Head with my dreams. I tell Him Each Day to.stay.outta.My.head well anyways Danny is at the door

" Comeing" i said rushing to the door and to see danny holding up a big box of makeup/hair spary

" Okay First Hair" she said

" So Who is Lucky Enough to get past Liam And Take the Beautfil Haz to the Dance?" she asked while curlying my hair

" No Body, you know no boy in his right mind would ask the schools best Football Player Littile Sister to the dance" I said Smriking

" True Dat" she said in a Baby voice and we both Laughed

Danny finnished up my hair and makeup........wow i look compltey diffrent, my hair is in long curls and my eyes are brouth out more thax to the eyeliner/Masscra and im wearing Natural Makeup. and my dress WOW! well mom came in and seen me and started crying

" Mum Clam Down" i said Hugging her

" I know But....Y-Your Growing into a Beautufil Young Woman" she said hugging me. me and danny left after a few pictures.

" Wow Your Mom has some Moments" Said Danny Laughing( HAHA BOOK IS NAMED MOMENTS Ohh Sorry:D)

" I know" i said and shortly we got there i walked into the dance soon enough to see Mark and Amber Holding Hand to Hand aww they make such a cute couple. Mark Greene and Amber Baits rember them?? Danny's Other Friends and now my friends. they started snogging me and danny connted on 3 and we both yelled

" PDA LEADS TO BABIES" we both start laughing are arse's off.

" Shudda Up Haz and Danny" said Mark whining like a three year old.

soon enough it was about the end of the dance and a slow song started and i relized I left my Pads in the car.

" Umm Brb" i said to danny

" Okayy" she repiled going back into a deep convo with some boy she was hitting on

I walked out into the cold air it sent chills up and down my spine i unlocked danny's car. and opened the door ruffleing into my Pad Bag as i like to call a Purse. i herad Ruffleing Behind a bush

" Hello?" i called out soon enough i was about to turn around until i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and

" I thought you wouldnt come tonight?" asked a Familer vocie no other than


SOOOOOOO BIG CLIF HANGER!!:D Comment and Vote on what you think should happen next!:P And Should i Contuine on this story?

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