How Will I Tell Niall?

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Niall's P.O.V

I swear, I am not a Monster. I may eat alot of food. But. I dont hurt anybody or atleast try not too. I rember the day it happend. the night they bit me.


" Hey Niller, Eat Much" Harry said teaseing me again I laughed at the almost curly head boy.

" A Bit" i said laughing. then we ran into Zayn the Vain Mailk.

" Vas Happening Boys" Short zayn said.

" Going to Nando's!" i repiled happily, I mean how happy can a group of Fourteen year old boys be?! going to eat. the most good, food EVER! Harry me and Zayn. we are best Mates! They been so nice to me since i moved from Ireland a year ago. But there is Also Louis. But i hardley ever see him. he kinda creeps me out in a way/ like Danger. but he is funny! it is about nine and nando's close's earily on fridays and its getting dark.

" Comeing?" i asked Zayn and Harry who were looking at me.. wait Smriking at me.

"Hey Nialler Turn around " said harry smriking at me with red eyes,  Wait red eyes? as soon as i did a huge mutt jumped ontop of me and bit my hip, i fell to the ground in pain. and i heard a boy yell out

" LIM HIM ALONE" said the vocie. and they ran off. i was turned to the boy.. and he helped me out.  and that he would be Liam, Liam Payne. he asked me to protect his Sister and his Mum with him because a Werewolf had it out for his Family, his dad used to hunt but was killed by one, one night. but the funny thing is i didnt turn. i am immune to it. the only person. and Immune people can bring back alpha's. that died. and so my family made up of my brother greg and my dad and mum swore to protect the Payne's

********************************************************END OFLASHBACK***********************************

" NIALL" Scremed a Vocie no other than Liam, right before i blacked out...

Haley's P.O.V

i woke up in strong arm's. they were soft and warm. and i was snuggled into his chest. and i was.........Naked? Ohhh Did I!? Wait A Sec?! LOUIS TOMLINSON!?! i jumped out of bed and qucikly therw on cholthes. and ran out the door. but being in Louis's Arms felt..So right

How will i tell Niall?

Heyyy Did Ya Like It? If so comment and Vote. also a question for yall, What werewolf do you think killed Liam and Haley's Dad? Comment and VOTE!:D

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