What Happened?!

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Anna P.O.V

When I walked into school today Emma and Alex were talking, and I was glad I was inside because it was poring down rain. Emma loved it! Me, not so much... it kept messing up my hair!

Thao P.O.V

I officially hate rain. Why you ask?! Because I was walking to school today and I was F***ing shocked! I don't know how but it sure damn hurt!

Eli P.O.V

I was walking behind Thao on my way to school when I sneezed and he screamed. S*** did I do that?! I noticed when I sneezed that there was a spark but I didn't know it was so big and it was going to shock Thao through the side walk! Oops...

Anna P.O.V

I see Thao walk into school and his hair is sticking strait up and the tip of his nose is burnt. I can't help but laughing! I mean who wouldn't? When I could finally breathe I asked what happened and he said,"I F***ING GOT SHOCKED! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!" "Oh, sorry!" I said geez chilax dude! I knew Eli was up to something because he kept looking at the ground and smiling.

Eli P.O.V

The bell rang and I started to go to my locker, but Anna stopped me in the hallway. "You know what happened to Thao!" she said. "I don't know what your talking about." I said innocently. She can't know that I did that. Or can she? "Your lying!" she said and pushed me against the lockers. Dang who knew she was so strong! "Let me ask again! What happened to Thao?!" I could tell she was getting angry. Why does she want to know so bad? "He was struck by lightning." I said kinda back sassing her. "I know that dumb ass! You had something to do with it!" crap she is on to me. All of a sudden I got so angry and start to shock her but I suddenly felt calm, sad, and really sorry for almost shocking her. "Look I'm sorry I sneezed and shocked him. I didn't mean to it was an accident!" I replied.

Anna P.O.V

I giggled a little when I released him. "Jerk!" he said as he walked off to class. "You know you love me!" I yelled down the hallway. "Ya, but now I know you secret!" he yelled back. S*** what did I just do?!


Lol I loved writing this chapter! I finally got to make Eli weaker then me! I mean its obviously true but now it's in a book too! Jk, maybe... haha so ya plz comment and vote!

Stay nerdy!🙊?

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