Chapter 5: For The Love Of Hawaii

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Katie P.O.V

OMG I'm going to Hawaii! But it kinda sucks, because seriously, have you met some of the people I'm going with? Really?! Emma and Anna are kind of cool but other than that...

Eli P.O.V

Cool I'm going to Hawaii! We leave tonight and I can't wait. We don't have any chaperones(besides Dr. Grega) and we pretty much get to do what ever we want until lights out which is at 12:00pm.

***Time Lapse***

Anna P.O.V

I'm on my way to the airport with Emma and Alex. My mom is taking us because their parents both had to do stuff that I don't even know what because my mom lacks in telling me that stuff.

"We're here!" I here my mom say in a singing voice.

"Okay." We all say at once. My mom helps us get our suitcases. Maybe I should say Alex suitcase and Emma's suitcase. My mom helps me get my three suitcases

"Damn Anna how many suitcases do you need?" Alex asks me.

"Well, normally I would have four but my mom made me travel light." I respond.

"What do you have in them? Bricks?" He Asks.

"Why? Why did you have to ask that?" Emma says as we walk towards the airport.

"Haha very funny Emma. In one suitcase is all of my cloths, in another is my shoes, and in the last and smaller one is all of my hair and makeup supplies." I proudly respond. As I Finnish talking we get to the door. We walk to the security line where my mom can't go any farther.

"Bye mom! I will call you when we get there!" I yell to my mom as I pass security. "Good bye! I love you! Have a safe trip!" she yells back.

Me, Emma, and Alex arrive at the loading area to see Dr. Grega, Eli, Katie, Thao, Essence, Breck, Izzy, Theo, James, and Jose. I still can't believe this is happening!

We sit in the waiting area for the announcement to come one.
When we hear the lady say "Flight 46T is now ready to board. Once again flight 46T is ready to board."

We all get up and give the lady our tickets. I sit next to the window and on my other side is Theo, then Emma, and last is Eli. I'm starting to get nervous. I've never been on a plane before. Ok now I'm so nervous I can't even buckle my seat belt.

"Need some help?" Theo asks.

"Yeah just a little." I say with a chuckle.

He helps me buckle and I thank him. I look at him and realize how beautiful his eyes are. They're a deep blue mixed with a greenish color. I guess I stared for to long.

"Like what you see?" Theo asks.

I respond with a blush. Wait why am I blushing? I never blush!

"Here ill break the silence. Do you wanna hang out while we're in Hawaii?" he asks.

Him hang out with me? He has never really "dated" someone. Just hooked up with them. Yeah I know we're in middle school we can't date but that's what we call boyfriend and girlfriend.

"She would love to." I hear Emma say.
Thank god for her. I probably would have looked like a total idiot with out her.

"To late. " She says.

'Shit did I say that out loud?' I think to myself.

"Yes yes you did." she says. I've got to stop doing that. Theo just sits there laughing. I guess he's not that bad of a guy.

"Your right. I'm not." Theo says.

I blush. "Don't be embarrassed. I know I'm kinda a playboy. But you seem cool."

"Thanks." I reply. Now I'm blushing even harder. If that's possible. Then the plane takes off.

A/N so I know this chapter is kinda short and cheesy, but its something. Please comment and vote.

Anyway, who has seen Mockingjay part 1? I haven't so don't spoil it!

Like always...

Stay nerdy🙊

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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