Powerless People

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Hello - Story

"How" - Character speaking

'Are' - Character thinking

You? - Izuku narrating

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"I am deeply sorry, Mrs. Midoriya, young Izuku, but it seems as though Izuku is quirkless." The doctor said. The patient and his mother froze in their seats. Shocked was the only way to describe Inko's feelings. The effect it had on Izuku was much larger than just that though.

"B-But, I can still become a hero, right?" The small boy asked. Trying to hold on to any hope that could be retrieved. Inko could do nothing but look towards her boy in sadness and pity. "I'm sorry, my boy. It's not going to happen."

The harsh words of the doctor may have seemed cruel back then, but I could not have asked for a more truthful answer. After that, things started to go downhill for me. The first change was how my old friends treated me.


"Kacchan! Please! Stop it! It hurts!"

I know what you're thinking. 'Oh no, that boy is being beaten!' And you're partially right. That little boy is me. But. I'm not only being beaten. I'm also saving someone. That person I saved may have run away the moment they managed to stand, but I was still able to save them. Something that I took with me for a long time forward.

The belief that I could still save people, even if I was quirkless.

"Shut up, stupid Deku! This is what you deserve! This is what quirkless people deserve!" 

That boy's name is Katsuki Bakugou. Kacchan was only the nickname I used for him when we were younger. He used to be my closest friend. The moment I declared my quirklessness to him, his personality changed. He constantly used his quirk on me, explosion, until I was beaten and bruised. Always on the brink of passing out.

Katsuki continued to use his powerful quirk on the defenseless Izuku Midoriya. He got help in his mission from two other kids. They could inflict more damage. One had long fingers and the other had crimson red wings. They were both Katsuki's lackeys.

Eventually, the trio of bullies got bored with Izuku. The fun of beating someone fades fast when they're not fighting back.

"I have one message for you, Deku. Don't show your face to me ever again, or this will continue every day until I become a hero."

It's a bit ironic that the villain of the story was destined to become a hero. With a quirk as powerful as Katsuki's, I could have become the greatest hero ever... but that's not how the world works. It's cruel and heartless. Gifting those who abuse its power with, strength. And keeping those who stay fair, powerless.

The bullies left Izuku alone. In the middle of the playground. All alone. He cried into his knees. Suddenly a pair of footsteps closed in on Izuku. He peeked up to see a boy maybe one year older than him with dark red hair. He offered his hand to help Izuku up.

"Are you okay?"

To this day, I wish I could've done something for him. He helped me when I was down, but I didn't manage to pull him out of depression.

That is my biggest defeat and it will always be.

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