The Ones To Draw Short Straws

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Hello - Story

"How" - Character speaking

'Are' - Character thinking

You? - Izuku narrating

- - -

"Are you okay?"

Izuku looked at the hand offered to him. Hesitant. He grabbed it. Izuku was carefully helped up. He looked at the taller boy, noticing a burn mark covering most of the left side of his neck.

"Thank you."

Izuku was grateful that someone had come to aid him. He was happy that at least one person cared. The boy only looked at Izuku with a small smile.

"My name is Toya Todoroki, nice to meet you."

Toya shook Izuku's hand vigorously. He gave a toothy grin, trying to cheer up the green-haired boy. It worked. Izuku smiled back.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya. Thank you for helping me."

Izuku managed to say what he wanted before he fell to one knee. The pain was too much for his fragile body.

"Oh no, we need to get you patched up. Is your house close to here? Let me help you."

Toya was a generous kid. He was always the helpful kind. Always so bright and good-willed. But even though he was a boy with a golden heart, he still did what he did. After all. Even gold can break if you pick at it enough.


Inko Midoriya was just minding her own business. She was cleaning the living room as it was quite a while since she did. Ever since Hisashi was forced to America, life had become more difficult for the parent of one.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"I'm coming!"

She called toward the door as she turned off the hoover. At the door was a pair of kids, aged five and four. She gasped once she saw the four-year-old in that state.


She bent down to her son and looked over him. The other kid backed away a little to give the family duo some space.

"Come on you two, come inside."

After making sure Izuku's injuries were nothing fatal, she called both kids inside. She proceeded to place Izuku down on the couch. She tended to his open wounds before bandaging them to heal. After that, she turned to the other kid who had stayed quiet all this time.

"And who are you, sweety?"

She asked the shy boy who he was, giving a motherly smile. Something the boy hadn't received in a while. He blushed in embarrassment and stuttered through his answer.

"M-My name is T-Toya Todoroki. I-I found I-Izuku like this."

Inko sighed, looking toward a sleeping Izuku. Her son had passed out due to injuries and a strange boy was in the middle of her apartment.

"Well, Toya, how about I drive you home. As gratitude for taking care of my son."

She offered the red-haired boy a ride home, something that made him shiver. It went unnoticed as she only looked at Izuku with worry and concern.

My mom used to be the one I always looked up to. She was the kindest woman I knew. No one could even come close to her motherly attitude. I owe her my whole existence. When it all came down to it, she had just as big of a part in my life as anyone else. Maybe even the biggest parts.

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