The Greatest People Created

453 19 1

Hello - Story

"How" - Character speaking

'Are' - Character thinking

You? - Izuku narrating

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After I got the news of what happened to my father, I felt just like two years earlier. Another person I cared for had been taken away from me. And the worst part. He wasn't even the last one.

Izuku was placed in an orphanage for kids below the age of 15. As a way to deal with the pain inside, Izuku started cutting. He was only 8, going into his ninth year just a few days after the death of his father. He didn't know any better.

It started small. He only cut his arm once every other day. He didn't want to succumb to the panic attacks. After Toya then started to ignore Izuku more and more, the cutting worsened. Izuku thought his friend had given up on him. Oh, how wrong that thought would prove itself.


Toya looked at the thick forest, rope, and paper in hand. He gulped as he started trotting between the trees. Was he really going to do this? What would happen if he did? His thoughts were running wild on whether this was right or wrong.

His mind landed on his small green-haired friend. Izuku Midoriya. The boy everyone hated. And for what? His quirk? Or rather, his lack of quirk? What a stupid reason to hate someone. That boy was the kindest person Toya had ever met. He always wanted to help. He always kept a smile on his face, even if it was mostly fake.

"This tree will do..."

He didn't even recognize his own voice. Toya looked at the thick branch only a few feet above his height. It would easily hold his weak body. It would give him no way of reaching the ground. Looking at the scars across his arms. Toya took off his jacket. Looking at the bruises littering his feet. Toya removed his shoes. He placed the piece of paper in his shoe.

He climbed up to the branch. He wrapped the rope tightly around it. While sitting on the branch, he made a noose and slowly lifted it over his head and around his throat. This was it. The moment he had waited his whole life for.

Finally. The suffering would end. The pain would stop. He would be free of the expectations, pressure, pain, hurt, and sorrow, formed by everyone around him. He would be set free from the chains tying him to the Todoroki name.

Hanging from the branch by his neck, Toya had closed eyes with a small smile painted over his face. He would finally be free. He could finally rest...


The year my friend took his own life was probably the worst year of my life, but also the best. As if fate had one last sick twist in my journey, it kept me going just long enough for myself to meet that man. That man changed my view of the world. Hell, he changed the world for me...

The police had closed off the forest by the park where Izuku and Toya used to play. Why was that? Izuku hadn't seen Toya for the last few days. He hadn't been to school. He had stopped contacting him through the little post they had made.

Sure, Toya had ignored him prior to this too, but he would still talk to him every once in a while. Just the fact that Izuku could see Toya on a daily basis had saved him from most of the cutting.

Now, he stood, looking at the police tape as an ambulance was located by the treeline of the forest. Police cars were also there. There was chaos. Izuku spectated the officers talk with the health workers and each other.

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