Gone But Not Forgotten

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Hello - Story

"How" - Character speaking

'Are' - Character thinking

You? - Izuku narrating

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"Hello. This is Hisashi Midoriya speaking. Who is this?"

Dad was a strange person to me. I never really knew much about him. I definitely didn't know him the way I knew my mom. However, he still did what was right. He handled the bullying in his own way. During the time he was my guardian, things looked bleaker than usual. Although I knew it shouldn't have.

"This is Musutafu hospital calling, sir. We have bad news. Your wife has been involved in a car accident. I'm very sorry, sir, but she didn't make it."

Izuku was sitting on the edge of a hospital bed. He looked blankly at the ground. He felt nothing. It was like being empty inside. That was a feeling he knew though.

Some commotion was heard on the other side of the phone as the doctor now and then gave slight glances toward Izuku who still sat completely still.

"W-What about my son? Was he in the car?"

Hisashi didn't know what to do now. He had been forced to America, dragged away from his family and home because of some business. Now he had gotten a call telling him his wife had passed away in a car crash.

"Your son was in the car, but is luckily with us right now. He has no injuries, but he is just a child who has newly witnessed a horrible incident. We fear trauma and mental scars can be included in his condition going forward. We, as responsible health workers, request you here within two days, or else the child will be put into a child orphanage. He will also receive daily therapy sessions in order to document his health."

My father didn't care about his work anymore. He packed his most important stuff and traveled back to Japan. Within one day, I had been released from the hospital. On my way home with dad.

Izuku was still silent. He kept to himself. He stayed home from school the next week. Trying to get over his heart aching every now and then. A therapist was often by. He talked with Izuku about how he had it. Izuku didn't give many answers.


Toya looked at the Midoriya household. He had been in their little apartment many times before. This time was different. 10 to 15 flowers in hand, the small seven-year-old rang the doorbell.

A man in grey baggy pants and a white shirt with a few stains on it opened the door. He had messy hair. His beard was growing unnaturally. Toya looked at the man with a blank look before walking inside the house. He walked straight to Izuku's room.

Hisashi could care less about who the kid was. As long as he would care for Izuku, the kid could stay as long as he'd want.

"Izuku? I came to check on you. I brought you flowers."

Toya slowly opened the door to Izuku's room. He peeked inside with caution. The room was dark. The only source of light found on top of the desk. Toya could see Izuku sit in his chair. The boy's knees up to his chest as tears slowly fell down from his eyes.

The small red-haired boy hurried over to his friend, giving him what was supposed to be a hug. He knew there was no way to comfort his friend. All he could do was reconcile with him. Izuku was going through a hard time. As long as he stood by his side, he believed they could make it through that hard time... together.


After that day, Toya devoted almost all of his time to me. I was a broken mess, constantly stumbling over the pieces of my broken heart. He helped me up. He was nice enough to pick up the pieces so I could patch it back together.

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