2: I Am... Late! - Liam

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       Hi! My name's Liam. I am a senior at Livingston High School. I am 17-years-old and I'm...well... gay. I knew I was gay since middle school. I was always more mature than everyone else, and I was always attracted to guys on the athletic teams. I mean, I used to deny my sexuality, but there's no need to try and reject something I was born with. But, I'm not here to talk about my life story.

       "Oh crap, I overslept!," I yelled as my eyes peered on the clock that read 6:58 A.M.". I hopped out of my full-sized bed and tripped on my miniature microscope sculpture. Hitting the floor with a loud thud, my Dad entered the room in Mom's pink robe and bunny slippers.

       "Oh, you're finally awake," he said scratching his black beard. He took my glasses from my computer stand and slipped them on my face, "You know you're late, right?"

       "Yes Dad, I know!"

       He nodded and walked out of my room. With a frown on my face, I jumped up and began a raid through my closet. I found a wrinkle-free, white dress shirt and some tan khaki pants. As I went into the bathroom, I hung my clothes on the doorknob. I stripped out of my "Bill Nye: Science Guy" pajamas and hopped in the shower.

       "Honey," I heard my Mom knock gently on the door, "Is everything okay? You've been in there for fourty-five minutes."

       "Yeah! Just doing my hair," I yelled back, combing my black hair down. I tightened my belt a little more and fluffed my tucked-in shirt. After dusting off my pants I walked back to my bedroom and slipped into black socks and black dress shoes.


       "Look Harold! Our son is all dressed up for his first day of his Senior year in High School! Where did the time go?," she sobbed as my dad snapped photos.

       "He's growing up, Carla. He'll be off to Harvard soon."

       I couldn't help but frown at the attention they constantly smothered me with. I'm nothing special, just a teenage boy with some commendable accolades like: Captain of the Scholars Bowl Team, Chess Team, and Mathematics Team. As well as a 4.0 GPA, and accumulated over fifty thousand dollars in scholarships from over thirty colleges.

       See? I'm nothing special.

       "Guys, I'd hate to rain on your parade, but if I don't leave now, I'll never make it to school on time. So could you please?"

       "Oh, of course! Good luck with everything today, Liam!"

       My dad offered me the keys to his Ram, "Take it, son. You deserve it."

       I humbly rejected, "No thanks, Dad. I'm saving up for my own. But for right now, it's just Webster and me."

       Webster is my motorized scooter that I had gotten two years ago for my birthday. It's kinda old, and the motor is cruddy, but it's still reliable.

       I hurried passed them and ran out the door. Our golden retriever, Buster, perked up from the steps and wagged his tail in joy. I smiled and petted his head, "Hey buddy, I'm off! Be good, understand?"

       He licked my hand in response and I laughed, shaking off the saliva. Webster awaited me with my bicycle helmet resting on its steering handle. Strapping it on, I climbed on Webster and started him up. The motor popped and it exuded the smell of burning rubber. It was a smell I liked, and completely used to.

        Today was going to be my last first day of high school, and I can't wait to live it.

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