Author's Note!

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Hello Juvia lovers!!!!!!!!!!

OK so this only going to be talking about what the sequel to 'The Voice of a Water Angel', and what you will all expect so far.

1. Like I said before I am writing this story freestyle, so I don't really plan this ahead. I just write what comes to mind that would sound really good in the fanfic.

2. This sequel will be talking more about what happened after the music video and etc. I know that I cut the story off from when Juvia was going to meet up at Gray's House, and know how frustrating it might be to have that happen in a story. But the good news is that I will continue the story from there. Yay!^-^

3. Like I said before I really would like to get some suggestions on how this sequel should go out. When I published the On Hold part from my other story I found like 1 or 2 people that put suggestions when I already wrote the next chapter. I'm not saying I'm mad at them. I just wanted to get to everyone's suggestions because I am mostly writing these stories for not only me, but also all of. So this time I wish that you all would try to give suggestions. I will mostly reply to every single one by telling how I feel or think about that. So don't be shy, and speak your mind.

4. So if some of you not understand the relatives, couples, and etc. in the story here's the list~

-Cana is now Juvia and Wendy's foster mom

-Makorov is now the juvia's boss not the villain.





-Lyon and Ultear are Gray's brother and sister

-Silver (of course) is Gray's dad

-Ur is Gray's mom....Sorry Gray's real mom....

5. Most likely I will take the lyrics out. A lot of people think that there are just too many lyrics in the story so I am just simply going to put the name of the song, and who is it by. Signaling to play the song at that moment.

6. Um...I just forgot what I was going to say for this....

7. Oh yeah I remember now! I want you guys to vote on who should be the Villain in the story. (It can't be a Fairy Tail story without a villain...You all know this is true!) So who should it be:




8. Should I even have the parts when I talk to Juvia and Gray before every single chapter?

9. For the video go to 4:17

...That is all...


Oh yeah! Remember that demon that was in my house? Well it turned out it was my best friend Mya...Weird huh?....

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