Chapter 1: The Continuing of Juvia-Chan's Story! ;D

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  • Dedicated to Hiro Mashima

Author's Note~

"Well hi everyone!^-^"

~Everyone cheers~

"Now we are all here for one reason only. To see the first chapter from my sequel to 'The Voice of a Water Angel'!"

~Cheers get louder~

"OK don't get too excited. Now before we start I just want to introduce to you all to a person that this story has spend it's whole time dedicated to. The person that we all know, and grew to love...Juvia Lockser!"

~Chrowd cheers louder as Juvia walks on stage~

"Hello to you all! It has been an honor for Juvia to have so many people to have a strong feeling for her. Before this the story you all just saw me as another background character in the Anime Fairy Tail. But then Chiisana-Chan did all she could to show that I can be more than that. So she researched everything about me, and creating the real me in this fan fiction. She even ended up becoming my #1 fan. Not to mention she encouraged others to think that Juvia and Gray-Sama would be a perfect couple."

~Gray runs on stage~


"Um Gray-Sama...Your clothes...."


~Gray runs off stage~

"Anyways, to give further a due Juvia gives you Gruvia_4Ever_Girl_'s sequel!....'Juvia-Chan's Destiny'!"  


~Later That Night~


Juvia and Wendy were both getting ready for Gray's surprise. The two were about to leave their apartment when Wendy walks up to Juvia with two bows in her hands.

"Ane-Chan! Can you please put these bows up in my hair instead?"

"Huh? Where did you get those?"

"Oh...Well...They were a present...From Oni-Sama...."


"Oh...So...Then of course I will..."

Juvia sits on the couch while Wendy sits down between Juvia's legs. That was Juvia could put the two bows in Wendy's hair.


"So when did he give you these?"


"On the night before Oni-Sama died...."


"You know...It's been a month since his funeral...."

"Yeah...I know...."


Juvia then ties the second bow on one of Wendy's braids.

"There all done. We still have half an hour before we leave. You wanna eat anything, or do you wanna watch some TV?"

"Actually there is one thing I would like you to do for me..."

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