"please call me kat"

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Buttercups point of view
I was hanging out with my sisters when javashina came up to us with a mother girl right besides her "hey guys" she said just as cheerful as ever With her long half red and half black hair in A ponytail "hey sister who's your friend? " "everyone this is Katie star ring" we all turned to look at the girl,  and she was beautiful she had long black hair a blue eyes,  she was wearing all black so I could tell that she was a Goth "nice to meet you all but please call me Kat Kay kay" "OK well Kat I'm bubbles and this is blossom,  buttercup,  and scourpiancat, and we're the powerpuff girls" Bubbles said "wow like I didn't already knew that you were the powerpuff girls" Kat then rolled her eyes  'wow sarcastic much'i said in my head,  I kinda liked this girl,  she is pretty cool "here sit down and tell us about yourself" I said Kat and javashina sat down  and Kat started telling us a little about herself

Done woo-hoo,  I wasn't going to write another chapter till tomorrow,  but then was given this awesome character idea from someone in the comments so I just had to add her her name is Katie start ring,  as you read in the story and I just love her trust there will be a lot of her in future chapters well bye bye loves 😉😊🤗

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