Awesome Factor

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This is how this poped in my head.

"But that's random, so awesomeisNOTall that you get."

So I was like "I am random, it's part of my awesome factor."

SO there you have it. We will be having a talent show seasonal where we pick up random people from the street make them perform live on tv and make them a star or make them die from embarrasment.

Our Judges will be Jen and I...and an occasional hallucination.

"Hello Shawnkinika, what makes you awesome?" Shawnkinika started jumping around on the stage doing cart wheels flips and balancing things.

*Sigh* She's so normal I wish they gave out crazy pills, the world would truly be a better place.

"Next." I called out. She really has something going for her, but it's something in the normal world. Maybe the olympics.


"That's what they all say." I say vaguely.

"But- But I'm the first one on the show."

"I know, But I've always wanted to say that, as well as GET OFF MY STAGE BEFORE I CALL SECURITY!!!" I state standing up...I've always wanted to say that... *cue creepy smile*

Girl walks to the Judge table fuming. "I gave up a LOT of time for this and you don't even let me finish?"

"Nope." I said ploping down. I'VE GOT THE POWER!!!! I sang in my head.

She started crying and throwing things around the stage.

*huff* "SECURITY!!!!!" I scream waiting for this normal person to get off my property.

"Give her a chance R." My friend Jen tells me.

*sigh* "Did we not agree to only let awesome people in the cafe?"

"Yes, but she was pretty cool...she was doing normal stuff." I stated again.

"If it was normal you do it."

I redid her routine down to the T and sighed again, that was boring.

"BORING!" I called out waiting for security to come and get this normalness off of my stage.

"Y-You can do that?" She said starring at me as if I was crazy.

"Yeah." I said sleepily.


It'll be something new every time so stick tuned and get ready for awesomenes!! Next time on Awesome factor!

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