Vampires Bite

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"STOP CALLING ME LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Caleb screamed while everyone else was laughing their buts off. I mean he just stopped a person from being robbed but the girl he saved keeps calling him 'little Caleb' it's actually quite catchy...

"Come on 'little Caleb' let's get you home." Jase, Calebs older brother by a year, said. He was atleast 10 inches talled than him. He got the height and the looks. Caleb got the looks and most of the smarts. Oh he also got a big mouth!

"Caleb! Shut up before you wake the whole neighborhood up!" I scolded, sheesh.

"I'M NOT GONNA STOP YELLIN' TILL YOU STOP CALLIN' ME LITTLE DANGIT!" Figures, he's not the one that can hear all the annoyed thoughts of the people that wake up.

'What are those kids doing at this time of night, they need to be at home in their beds, not out in the streets.' Awwwww, what a nice grandma! CALEB I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!


'Hey, kids, shut up and let us adults get some sleep huh?' Huh, the lady down the street and the guy next to her said the same thing... I wonder why he slipped into his native tounge....well I guess I would want to speak english if I was in france in my own head...


'Could you tell your friends to calm down. I'm trying to work.'

'Who are you?' I managed to send back.

'The question is, who are you?'

'I asked you first.'

'Vladimir Todd' he said sarcastically.

'So you're a vampire?'

'And you're human." He stated.

'Are all vampires telepathic?' I questioned, I was honestly curious because twilight sucks and I want to know.

'Yes, Vampires are the only ones that we know that are telepathic, until you.' He said curiously

'Been this way my whole life, do vampires sparkle?'

He chuckled, 'I like Heather Brewer my favorite quote from her books is "After all, vampires don't sparkle."

'It's, amusing.' He continues 'Twilight has it totally wrong. If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you trembling in fear?'

'I'm good in... challenging situations, why are you volunteering information on your race?'

'I have my reasons.'

"Liz, are you okay?" Jase said.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You were staring off into space."


'Shut up stupid vampire person thing whatever you want to call yourself!'

'Vlad you can call me Vlad.'

'Right and the last name is Todd?' I think sarcastically.

'No. My first real name is Vladimir. My last name is... Horatio but let's just go with Vlad.'

'Okay Mr. Horatio, What's the consequence for me knowing your secret?' I questioned seriously, I don't want to be in anymore trouble as it is.

'Mr. Horatio?' He questions. 'Nothing will happen to you. As long as I am on this earth, nothing bad will happen to you. I swear.'

'Now why would you do that?'

'Because I love you, obviously.'

'That's so sweet.' I said sarcastically. 'Come on. Spit it out. I can handle the truth.'

'Your friends are about to call you. I'll be seeing you very soon. Liz.' He said with a smile in his voice avoiding the question.


The next day...

It's raining. That's the nicest way I can put it. I'm drenched from head to tow looking like a panda cat from the eighties.

Why you ask?

Caleb decided to put make-up on my face. Now normally I wouldn't be mad because I could just wipe it off, but they also destroyed my alarm clock so I didn't have time becuase I would be late.

So here I am, walking to school looking like a drenched panda.


I decided that i'm going to put this in one of the upcomming books, so this isn't going to be a book unless a change the plot a little bit... but it is going to be in my upcoming book The Vampire in my room. So look forward to see thing sometime in the future!!!

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