The Vampire in my room

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I just stepped out the showered immediately realizing that I had forgot my towel. Oh Jesus Mary Joesph! For crying out loud why did I have to forget it?

Ignoring the blistering cold I focused on the music that I was dancing in the shower to under boiling water. Scary monsters and nice sprites. Zedd remix. I smirk and start my not so gracious hustle out of the bathroon before any eyes see me. I successfully made it to my room and shut the door.

Putting my phone on my dresser I grabbed the towel and started dancing with it as a I was drying off and dancing to zeddix. My body moved to it's own accord unknowingly making a show. When the song was almost over I did the most dumb thing in the world.

I crouched donw and flipped my head down; but when i came back up i hit the tray of chips i had previously made for a midnight snack if needed. Chips covered half my dresser and it did not look got for my shower cap. I guess I'll have to throw it away, i don't use it anyway. One by dreary one I picked them up and finish drying off.

Almost tripping I lift my foot up over my bag and over to my second dresser. I grab a pair of booty shorts that say flirt on it, grey tweety bird pants to to over those and a gray shirt. I pivot the direction i came from and grab some undergarments out of the drawer and start to change.

After I'm done I turn around to go to sleep when I saw someone on my bed. Lucky for him, I didn't scream. I just blinked my eyes and cleaned my glasses turn off the light and step into my bed like the stranger wasn't there.

The reason for this being I have been having the same dream over and over again for the past three weeks. I wasn't loosing any more sleep over a dumb hallucination.

Right when I was about to go to sleep I heard four words that would change my life forever.

"dulcis somnia dilectione mea." Sweet dreams, My love.

"Wake up in the mornin feelin like P Diddy." My phone went off. Yes, I still listen to this song and yes, I do feel like P Diddy.

After I changed my clothes I grabbed my glasses and went out the door. It's time to hit this city!

See what I did there. :-)

But I forgot my backpack so I turned around and went back to my room. I sighed this day is going to be long.


"Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, And when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, YOU DON'T KNOW O OH!! YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!"

Gross. Personally I'd rather listen to fall out boy. No offense to one direction. I'm just not a big fan.

Change of station.

"Ignorance is your new best friend!" That's more like it!

Ignoring the weird stares I got I went down the corridor to the front office. It's time to start my first day at the new high school.

"Who's the new chick?" A blond haired boy with the most mesmerizing blue eyes have ever seen in my life.

"I'm standing right here. You should ask me yourself."

"I'll do that." I want to the front desk to introduce myself to the teacher then sat back down and sat down at seat that's closer to the back.

"Hey, new girl!" Some random person in the room shouted.

I ignore the call in the face forward waiting for the class to start.

"Miss Valitorres To the office I repeat Miss Valitorres to the office please someone is here to pick you up."

"I just got here." I ground my teeth grabbing my bag and Dragging myself to the office curious as to whom it is picking me up.

"Your late Miss Valitorres time is money." What is she talking about this is school not Wall street.

"Sorry to ask, but I'm curious who is picking me up?"

" I am not at the liberty to disclose whom is picking you up I just got the news please go outside and leave." The receptionist said rudely.

I'm completely and utterly offended who does this lady think she is?

With the huff I stomp and go outside to the parking lot as I was told.

What awaited me was a black limousine with tinted windows I saw no one except for the person opening the door for me.

I pointed to myself and mouthed 'Me?'

"Yes you, now get in the car my master's waiting."

"What does your master want with me? I don't know you." I question the strange man with the hunchback.

He looks like a duplicate of the hunchback of Notre Dame. Complete with the hunchback, beady eyes, green trench coat, and overall strange sense of forewarning. This man seems dangerous.

Debating my choices I decided not to be in Scary movie. I am not going the wrong path I will live, I will go inside, and I will forget this ever happened.

Ready. Set. Go.

I dash into the school running for my life. Not sure what I was going to

It's in the front office again.

Improved receptionist. The green snakes Medusa. The one that I've come to hate with a passion. I've only known her for a little while but I have a good judge of character and she is Medusa modernized.

Huffing again I storm out of the office into the corridors. I hoping I don't get caught skipping because this is my first day and I want to leave a good impression.

Stupid blond Medusa receptionist. She needs a husband, or a person that can stand to be by her for ten minutes.

"A tornado flew around my room before you came. Excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain and Southern California much like Arizona my eyes don't shed tears but boy they ball when I'm thinking bout you." I love this song, but why the heck is Brian calling me?

Hitting a call button I answer the phone, getting ready to be annoyed to death.

"Yeah Brian, I know, I have to be somewhere later. Yes. I know, and I'm sorry but I'll have to talk to you later have something to do right now. Yes. I'll call you when I get home."

"Who's that?" When I turn around I met a muscular blonde haired, blue eyes, boy.

"Who's it to ya?" I retaliated quite icily.

"Chill new girl, I'm just curious." I looked him over and decided that we could be friends.

" No need to be curious. It's not that big of a deal." His next words decide it all if were friends, or enemies.

"What's your name?" Perfect. We'll get along just fine.

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