"Oh by the way your getting married!"

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If I'm forced to do anything I won't like it. It's just a fact. Every single time, I just soapy and complained and I'm just spiteful about the entire thing. Now I'm a love the thing that I'm being forced it, but, the thing about it is, I won't like it, until I want to like it.

See now here comes the funny part. I'm getting married

DON'T say congratulations. It's arranged and at not to a person that I love- scratch that, a person that I don't want to kill. Everyone says it just has to be Zane; The biggest asshole on the planet.

It's not like he's a bad guy, I guess. I suppose every person has a reason for doing something.

So, he has a reason for sleeping and or breaking girls hearts after he dumps them. He recently slept with number 100 a big feat for him.

It was the school nerd, she had square glasses but she didn't need them. Everything else was pretty normal, she just wears a size bigger than she needs to.

None the less she had the same thing happen to her, believing that he'll change just because he's nice to you, even if you know it's a ploy to get in your pants.

So his parents made him get married. What I don't understand is, why would it be me? I didn't have anything to do with him physically or emotionally. I'd only spoke to the guy a couple of times in the hallway and when he forgot to do his homework and needed to copy mine. It's pretty normal, I can't say we're friends, but, I can't say I hate him either.

Now now people, I know I said I want to kill him; which is completely true, BUT I won't criticize him or act upon my thoughts until he proves that he has no reason or remorse for what he's done.

It's my job until we get a divorce in 6 months after the wedding happens. The wedding is in six months and our parents agreed that we have to announce it publicly in three months.

So in total we have three months or freedom, three months of awkwardness, a wedding and six months of torture until we can go on with our lives.

"Will you stop that?" Hit.

"If you do honey!" I say with a fake smile plastered on my face. You see we're the talk of the small town that we live in. Yea!!!!!! This is just SOOOO amazing ;it makes me glow with joy.


"Good!" Gosh me makes me so mad! Always messing with me and making the fire with in them rise to nearly unbearable uncontrolable flames that try to control me.

"Do this again and I will have you hanged."

"Yes, sir Uther."

"I am not that tyrant and how dare you compare me to that galliant clock pole."

"You dare call the former king a clock pole? You head will be on a platter shall any but I hear of it."

It's these times. The times when he calmes me down and makes me feel safe that I think everything would be okay if we didn't get a divorce. But I know that could never be, longing for something more isn't the best idea. but the heart wants what it wants.

And it want to be loved.

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