1. Feels Like Summer

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The boiling sun rose and shone through my window, giving me the warning to wake up or be late. After I sat in my bed for a few minutes, I went to class, just like normal. I brought my diary and other school supplies along with me. I don't particularly know why I chose to do so. I didn't need most of what I had. Well to keep myself occupied I needed them, nobody has talked to me with friendly intent. Of corse exemptions exists but we never become friends.

I reached to open the door of my classroom to see... nobody was there. This never usually happened as there was usually at least a few girls wandering about at this time.

Just my luck I guess.

I decided to clean up a bit because I seem to be good at that at least.

Over the next twenty minutes of tidying up everyone else's stuff went by, a good amount of my classmates had now entered the room. Akane and Nekomaru both separately busting down the doors which Kazuichi has to fix.

The majority of the girls had grouped in a corner of the room to themselves where they decided to chat absurdly loud, everyone except Peko and Chiaki. Peko had been talking with Fuyuhiko and Chiaki was busy playing her games alone. Anybody who does sit there who wasn't involved in the chatting had moved to stand or sit somewhere else in the room/ or just hadn't arrived yet.

One too many people had entered to clean, I had decided to keep myself entertained by reading a book. It was about a guy who had bought a game which you could simulate human life with. The owner built houses and made the artificial humans live their happiest lives. We had to go through lengthy processes to achieve certain criteria and eventually ended up finding a way to create separate AI for each of the characters.

I liked reading. Nothing could go wrong if I had found myself lost in a book. I also liked writing but I wasn't very good at it. The stories ended up being cliché and uninteresting. I liked writing in my diary whenever I got a hard to express feeling or something somewhat interesting had happened in my life. It kept my life a little consistent to have something to write thoughts and feelings in. It was just another way to pass time which I had grown accustomed to.

I was no 'super high school level writer or reader' but I didn't need to be. It kept me occupied and was a good escape from people and reality itself. Obviously, if anyone in my class had found out I owned a diary, let alone actually wrote in it, I would never be left alone again. Not as if much would change though. I was weird compared to everyone else.

If people talked to me or I heard something I could talk about, I'd talk on and on about luck and hope for a long time. Everyone looked at me when I did it, but I never cared very much about it.

As I was talking to myself I hadn't realised that we could now leave the classroom for lunch. I walked to my usual spot of the school. Outside had gotten even hotter than it was earlier and it felt like hell walking to my spot.

I usually say where there was a large tree that nobody visited very often because it has barely anything of true value. Some students walked past as I sat under the trees but they never usually spotted me unless I did something to catch their eye. Flowers grew and bloomed nearby the base which gave the grass a nice pattern of colour. When the temperature was warmer, bees would fly around me looking for pollen from the flowers. I had gotten stung a few times but nothing major had ever happened.

From the tree, you could see the fountain from where I could usually see, but it could sometimes be hard to spot. I would sometimes look at the happy souls which circled around the fountain and the multiple benches scattered around it. I'd play a game where I'd try and guess somebody's talent just by appearance alone. If they ever interacted with me (which has never very often) I would guess their talent first try. I always got it correct. Obviously if there was only students without talents from the reserve course I'd guess their backstories. However, the vast majority of the reserve course students came from rich families so it was never fun to guess that. Since they wore different uniforms they instantly stood out compared to everyone else.

I'd often see a man from the reserve course with light brown hair which seemed to stick up. I couldn't tell much else from where I was sat, but he seemed to usually be alone. Only a few exceptions : whenever Chiaki from my class would talk to him while they both played games and when teachers/ other peers would ask him questions. I was always too far away to understand exactly what was said but by body language I could leave it to Lady Luck to tell me what was happening. I always wondered what he was up to but never wanted to bother him with my presence. I am trash after all.

He would on the odd occasion he would walk past me as I was reading a book, I could see him up close without him noticing I was there. Last time it happened, I was finishing a book about a post-apocalyptic world, where underwater species had evolved and had taken over land. The characters would battle to see which evolved species was the true ruler. I finished it quickly because it was only a short read. Truly a shame because I really liked how it was written.

No one else cared what I was reading but that wasn't a problem. If I needed help I'd gladly ask for it but for now.

being alone is fine too, I guess...

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