9. The sleepover

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The school week had ended and everyone left their classrooms. Groups of friends waited outside of rooms for others and I only had one thing on my mind... Hajime... If he could read my thoughts this would be so much easier! But alas that is not the case. Just gotta find Hajime and go through with our plan!

Just on cue, I saw the spiky-haired boy walk into my vision. "Hajime!" I yelled to grab his attention. He came running towards me and we walked alongside each other through the gates.

We talked about meaningless things as my face was a blazing hot red. How did this guy not notice or point out my face! I don't understand this guy. That could be why I like him...We had arrived at Hajime's house and he let me in. A deeper voice yelled from upstairs as we entered "Hajime? Is that you?". A person with unbelievably long, black hair walked towards the top of a set of stairs. Hajime looked up at them and smiled "Yup! It's me Izuru! Nagito and I are just getting my stuff and we'll be off." The hair guy who I assumed was Izuru nodded and returned to being out of sight.

Hajime and I walked to his room to collect some stuff: clothes, some food he had hidden in the bottom of drawers and his games. His room was nothing to be unexpected. A normal greenish bed with a stained dark wood bed-side table with a lamp and a set of drawers next to it, the weirdest thing he had on his desk across the room, there was a snowglobe with a tiny white and beige dog surrounded by rocks inside of it, the dog looked like it was from a video game so I decided not to question it.

We soon left his house with Hajime saying bye to Izuru and giving him a hug goodbye whilst trying to keep his backpack with his belongings in. The walk to my house was no longer than 15 minutes. I was still in school uniform whilst Hajime had put on a black jacket, grey T-shirt and jeans. The temperature had been rapidly increasing as the days went by, it was going to be time for summer soon! This means no school, I'm going to need some new hobby or activity to keep me occupied, maybe I will start writing a book? Probably not... I cannot just taint the world of reading with my presence.

We both walked down the roads and eventually found my house, we could hear both of my dogs barking as I opened the front door and let Hajime inside. I heard a voice from behind me ask, "What are their names again?" I looked around at him with one dog in my arms as the other dog walked to weakly paw at Hajime's legs for attention.

"This one I am holding is called Fluffy, and the one pawing at your legs is called Lucky. I adopted them years ago from a rescue. Lucky used to be starved and apparently was abused by her previous owner, Fluffy lived with children before and they made her life absolute hell." I explained, how can people treat dogs so badly?

Hajime let out a laugh and started to try and calm down Lucky (she didn't like Hajime much apparently) by picking her up: we walked to the living room with the dogs to set up Hajime's console after putting the dogs down, Lucky ran to a different room and Fluffy decided to sit on the sofa with me as I watched Hajime struggle with the console.

I heard Lucky growling from the next room so, naturally, I left Hajime to continue setting up the game and went to go check on it. I looked over to see what her problem was and... The dog sat on my tile floor with my letter to Hajime in her mouth, ripped to shreds. Oh no...

I really am unlucky...

Trash like me deserves this... how will I tell Hajime now? Today was the day I would tell him!

I sighed and accepted I would have to think of something on the spot as an excuse for being in the kitchen for this lon- "Nagito? I connected the game! What are you doing in here?" Hajime came into the room, I didn't expect this at all... just my luck I guess. "What did the dog rip up?"

SHIT! What do I use as a cover up, "I-I um, it's just homework! I'll just have to rewrite it... how unfortunate..." I came up with an excuse hoping Hajime would let it slide and go back and play video games. "I'll help you put it back together, the game is paused so we might as well."

Is this man a psychic? Or is he just messing with me? He can't put them back, the pieces are so small and scattered... knowing him he will not give up until he was done it though...

He was serious and started finding words... this is bad! "Hajime, I'm going to the bathroom, good luck with your jigsaw!" I yelled and ran away to hide in the bathroom, somehow I started shivering as I heard Hajime talk to himself. Putting the letter together faster than expected.

"'Dear Hajime'... what sort of homework is this?... 'I wanted to tell you something, for a while now I have had feelings for you...' wait, this can't be right..." I heard him speculating through the door, I sat pressing the door against my back trying to make sure he can never get in.

"There's no other way to read it... right? 'I wrote this to tell you this because I am a coward and can't talk to your face about these feelings. I would just break down and scare you, I can't do that to hope.'" I heard the concern in his voice, slowly he understood what was going on... Hajime can be inhumanly stupid sometimes but eventually he does catch on... most of the time...

I heard footsteps from the other side of the door and froze, pressing my back even harder on the door as I heard Hajime knock. "Nagito... I read your letter, can we talk when you are done? I'll be in your living room so we can talk..."

I didn't respond to him. As much as my mind wanted to my mouth would not move to agree. I feel sick...

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