5. Indirect Confession

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I stormed into the room that my friend resided in and saw him resting. Hajime... I sat on the chair next to him and decided to pull out the patients book. There was a small table which I placed the book on for Hajime to take later on.

I noticed a satchel next to the bed that Hajime lies in. It was a beige colour with some gibberish writing scribbled on it (presumably from pen). I got nosy and decided to look inside.

I found my book with a post-it note stuck in it reading 'return to Nagito'. I guess he finished it last night... I also found a book which looked to be very torn up and looked as if it was frequently being messed with. It was a light green with white faces on and had the words 'doctor, I'm afraid of backstories!' Written in a comic type font. I assumed by the words that the book was a diary or something Hajime kept important things inside. He wouldn't just carry this around with him. Especially since he has a very little amount of friends.

The book was openable so I decided to read it.

Dear Diary,

Hello! My name is Hajime Hinata and your honing to be plauged with all my thoughts! Hope you like the mention of bulling almost everyday!

Hajime doesn't write his name at the bottom of the entries like I do so it has somewhat hard for me to decipher when they started and ended. I turned a few pages which didn't seem to important and something caught my eye.

Dear Diary,

Why am I so plain and stupid. I don't see why I'm here at hopes peak if I have no talent. Sure we paid for it but I don't feel as if I belong...

I just want someone here who makes me feel like I am worthy of being here. On this part of the planet. At hopes peak academy.

Well I have nobody so that's kinda useless. Isn't it.

Poor Hajime... he feels useless to people. I couldn't help but sympathise with him as I read on and on for pages. Hajime was still sleeping like a baby in his bed. Honestly, it was kinda cute to see him like this. Obviously not in this situation. Like in a hospital covered in wounds but. His sleeping figure puts me at ease.

It's nice.

I carried on reading until I reached a fairly recent page.

Dear Diary,

I made a friend! Not just another talentless, loser like me though! He has an amazing talent! He is the Ultimate Lucky Student!

His name is Nagito Komeada and we both like reading and discussing books! He's so important to me already!

I'll write again when I see him tomorrow!

Huh... my face went red as I read the kind words that Hajime had written about me. I may have a talent but it's not that special. Then again, to Hajime having a friend who has a talent to begin with must make him feel happy. I started to smile as I put the book away. Hajime looked as if he was going to wake up any minute now.

Well... wouldn't hurt to read the next page... right? I thought to myself as I opened the book again to the last used page.

Dear Diary,

I may have a crush... and it seems obvious who it is by this point... isn't it? I mean I've talked about him every day since I met him!!!

I walked home with him today and all I could think of was telling him how I feel... but you can't just tell someone. Can you? Especially since we have known each other for only a few days.

I'm gonna pay him a visit tomorrow as a surprise! I know where he lives from walking home together so it'll be easy to do. I'll tell him how I feel then!
No going back!
Wish me luck!

"Nagito? What are you doing here? Where am I? What are you rea- PLEASE STOP READING THAT NAGITO I SWEAR!". Shit. He saw me reading it.. he's gonna stop trusting me or something now! "Don't worry I was only checking to see if it was damaged! I noticed it was you Diary so I didn't read anything! Just looked for signs of damaging!" I lied.

"Oh... thanks then..." he replied "it's not damaged is it. I have something very important in there..." . "No! It's all good and dandy!"

Hajime smiled at me innocently. It left a different aura now though... I know he likes me... what do I do.

"I'm tired..." I yawned.

I felt myself fall towards the bed and my vision had went black and I probably passed out (most likely from fatigue).

"Nagito? You ok?" I heard a familiar voice question me. He was patting my head to try and get me to wake up. I wasn't sure whether that was what woke me up but nevertheless I did. I was slightly dazed and confused but nothing that hadn't happened before.

I saw that my face was lying on his leg so moved and I showed a soft smile to Hajime : which made him feel much more at ease with the situation. He soon after returned the smile and asked me a question "did you bring me here Nagito?". He asked with his cheeks dusted a light pink colour. I answered "yes, people where beating you up but I chased them away with my dogs!". Yep that situations doesn't sound shady at all!

"I was going to visit you so I walked through the park to get to your house... I'm sorry I put you through trouble Nagito...". Hajime explained in a defeatist attitude. I shook my hands furiously and informed him it was no problem. He would have been beaten up even more if I wasn't there! God knows where he would have ended up!

All I cared about was that Hajime was safe. If he had been in a worse condition then I would feel responsible for not showing up earlier (or not at all).

I wonder if what Hajime wrote in his diary about me was true...

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