7. Whodunnit?

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Dear Diary,

Hajime is out of hospital now! On his first day back at school we decided he's going to stay at my house for a night. That's gonna be in a week though.

I'm so exited! But I have to tell him I like him before or during the sleepover!

I'll write again when something else interesting happens.

-Nagito Komeada

I woke up in the morning before school and preparers myself for the madness of my class. With people like Ibuki (who is really loud) and Akane (who is way to athletic for me to keep a track of) I kinda have to mentally and physically prepare myself.

I left my house and started walking to school. Along side me as I walked a black cat decided to join me. "Why hello there, Cat.". It peered up at me with its big green eyes as if to return the greeting.

I reached the gates of the school and the cat turned around and ran onto the road. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise from the road and students screaming. I turned around to see the remains on what was the cat. Blood splattered across the road and cars stopping in the traffic to avoid getting blood on their cars. That was most likely my luck cycle, wasn't it?

I sighed and turned around and walked to class, I wasn't watching where I was walking a bumped into a familiar face. She screamed "NAGITOOOOO! Omg! You scared the holy flying cats outa me!". She shook my shoulders as she was telling which caused me to get a headache. "Hello Ibuki. Do you mind letting me go?" I asked. "Lmao I'm soooooo sorry Luckster!" She sang as she let me out of her grasp.

Me and Ibuki are on ok terms I guess? She likes to be very loud and me not so much. She recorded a speech I made about hope and remixed it into a song which I found pretty funny. She's like that to everyone though. We've talked a bit when she thought I had nobody to talk to which made me happy. Ibuki was one of the good people.

I usually underestimated how nice certain people could be because the vast majority of people are certainly not good people.

Me and Ibuki walked to class together and we talked about a song that she had recently written about a book I had read. I was apparently a good source of inspiration for Ibuki because of my weird tendency to obsess over things. For example: books and hope.

I opened the door and Ibuki yelled over to a group of classmates and sat with them. I decided I had enough time and took out my book. This one was about a battle between the human race and a group of others called 'monsters'. It describes how the monsters lost and how a single human managed to join the two races again. I found it interesting and after I finished it I was going to preorder a sequel book which is apparently not a sequel or a prequel. I just exists within the same universe.

Our teacher entered the room and gave us some news "Hello students, I am here today to inform you of an incedent which happened the other day. Can the following students please follow me: Hyioko, Fuyohiko and Nagito.".

Questions filled my head of why I was being dragged out of all people. That's when I remembered. This is likely about Hajime's incedent. Some other students from other classes followed us as we walked in the halls.

We reached the gym and I saw some more students on one side and a singular boy on the other, "Hajime!" I yelled as my freind looked my way. I ran over to him, bombarding him with questions on his health. "Hey! You two can we discuss why your both on the victim side. Only spike was injured not you lucky marshmallow!" Yelled a student by the same of Kokichi. I smiled and walked over to where everyone else stood.

I knew a few kids who where standing with me: Hiyoko and Fuyohiko, kokichi and Shuichi stood together so I knew them two, I also knew some people from his class too. Not many though.

We all established where we where when Hajime had been ambushed and I told the teacher that I had actually helped Hajime to get out of the situation. "Nagito! You are no longer going to be in trouble because we know of you good intentions. Please go stand with Hajime and be ready to contract to people's arguments!" A teacher yelled.

The girl who I asked refuted she had anything to do with it because she wasn't there. That was easy to refute.

Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention. I tried to find a time when they where all arguing to talk to Hajime. When that time came I opened my mouth to speak "Hajime, do you care about what happens?". "Not really.. I don't know these people, I don't want them to be punished to harshly though!"

And with that we were yelled at to leave and go back to class. The correct students had been found out (none of which from my class) and where kept in the gym for further questioning alone.

I waved goodbye to Hajime and alongside Fuyohiko and Hiyoko walked to our class. "Hey Nagito I need you to fucking answer a question for me you bastard!". I looked down at him as if to say 'go on'. "Why did you care about how that talentless loser felt?".

I stopped for a second and thought. "I sense a great hope inside of Hajime. One greater than despair could ever overcome! I beli-"

"Yeah yeah we get it!" Hyioko silenced.

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