a friend like me (Yamuraiha X Genie!Fem!Reader)

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summary: Aladdin found a lamp, and Yamuraiha can't really read what's on the side... maybe if she rubs it a bit..?


Aladdin didn't expect to find an oil lamp hidden among his small bag of belongings, but when he discovered it, he was bewildered to say the least. For one, he had no idea how he had acquired it. But what caught his attention was the weird rukh fluctuations surrounding the golden object.

As he walked to Yamuraiha's study, he realized he must have grabbed the object while in Amon's dungeon. It was the only logical explanation he could think of other than he accidently pick-pocketed someone, which was unlikely.

He gave a few swift knocks and after hearing her yell "Come in!", he pushed the door open. She was huddled over her desk, reading one of her many scrolls, when he walked inside. She briefly looked up at him before seeing the priceless object in his hands.

"Where did you find that? Did Sinbad give it to you?" She asked, and he shook his head. "I'm not sure. I might've grabbed it from Amon's dungeon, but I don't remember doing so."

She nodded in thought and gestured for him to hand it to her. He did so with little hesitation and watched her examine it.

She looked for any weird pattern or engraving that could give her a clue as to it's purpose or creator, but nothing stood out from it's smooth, dusty surface. Then, her eyes caught on a small engraving in the side, but it was too dusty to see, so she rubbed the lamp in order to read it.

Had she not been so focused on trying to read whatever it said, she might've noticed how the lamp steadily rose in temperature, not processing it until it was practically glowing. She yelped and frantically dropped it, making Aladdin rush to her side in worry.

"Yam! Are you alright-" he was cut off as a small explosion erupted from the lamp, and both of them ducked down and covered their ears. When the sound faded, Aladdin slowly lifted his head and scrambled away from the woman suddenly sitting on the floor.

She was facing them with a face that could only be described as disoriented, and she looked around very slowly processing everything around her. She was dressed in priceless cloths, gold jewelry dripping from her wrists and neck, and the lamp was suddenly attached to a piece of fabric around her waste.

Slowly, she stood. Her legs were shaky, and her hair was still incredibly disheveled, but she managed to lock her knees. After a moment, she lost her balance again and had to hold onto the side of the table to stand.

The door suddenly burst open, making all three of them whip their heads in the direction. The rest of the eight generals, Sinbad, Alibaba, and Morgiana rushed inside. "We heard an explosion! Is everyone alright-"

Sinbad cut himself off at the sight of the woman in front of him. Her robes were luxurious, and her jewelry was that of a kings. "Who-"

"Does anyone have any alcohol?"

Of all the things Aladdin expected to come out of her mouth, that wasn't it. She looked around expectantly, but no one moved. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Fine. Whatever." Then, she snapped her fingers.

A fresh bottle of wine appeared above her head from nowhere, and began falling before she swiftly caught it. She merely blew a breath on the cork, and it popped out of the bottle. Ignoring the stares, she began nonchalantly chugging the beverage. To everyone's shock, she managed to down the drink in under five seconds. When she finished, she threw it behind her and it vanished before it could hit anything.

magi oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon