stars (Koumei X Fem!Reader)

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summary: waking up next to your lover tingz (:

He had never seen her stare at him for so long.

She had woken up just moments before. The covers of the bed had shifted as she turned in his embrace to look at him. But she had paused as her mouth opened, and now she just seemed to gaze at him absentmindedly.

He wasn't complaining, that meant he could watch her as well, but this had been going on for the better half of an hour, and he was growing concerned.

"Are you even awake anymore?" He softly asked, not wanting to wake her if she was.

But she nodded her head. "I'm just... thinking."



"Well that much is obvious." Her giggle made all the weight in his chest lift for a moment, and his lip quirked into a sort of half-smile.

"Well someone's full of themselves today."

"Only when a gorgeous woman seems incredibly enthralled with me."

"That I am."

He smiled at that, and questioned, "Why are you staring at me so much?"

She looked unsure herself, like he head just pointed it out to her and she hadn't even realized she was doing it. "I guess..." she trailed, and in the quiet, her hand lifted from beneath the covers and rested on his cheek. Then, she began suppressing a snort. "Promise you won't get mad?"

Koumei rested a hand on top of hers and squinted his eyebrows. "My promise depends on what you have to say."

She smiled and rubbed her thumb across his cheek bone. "Your freckles." His heart faltered. He was rather insecure about his freckles; they constantly made him feel the need to cover the bottom half of his face with his fan just to hide them from view.

But, her next words surprised him. "I was counting them."

He had never heard of such a thing before. "Counting them?"

She nodded with a smile. "They're mostly on the bridge of your nose, but every time I look away, I realize that I've missed one." He still seemed confused, and she pulled her hand away only to grasp his own. "They just remind me of stars, is all."

Stars. His mind echoed. That was new. Normally, it was dirt, or crumbs. But never stars. Stars were beautiful. Stars were elegant. Stars were wonders of the world. Stars weren't blemishes on a face.

But the way she looked at them, with such love and adoration, made him reconsider, if only for a moment. She pulled her hand up once more and traced her finger tip across his face, smiling as she did so. "I can make little constellations."

He stayed silent as she drew with her fingers, connecting the dots to make small pictures. When she finished, she laid her hands back down, a new wave of exhaustion hitting her. The silk sheets hugged her tight and covered her in warmth, not to mention the added comfort of being in Koumei's arms.

So she found herself dozing off again, and felt him lightly press his lips to her forehead before he whispered so quiet only he could hear, "Thank you."

"What for..?" she grumbled out, nearly asleep again.

"I'm just thanking the gods." He looked her in the eyes as he smiled and finished, "I'm thanking them for blessing me with you." Her cheeks flushed. "You are the greatest gift."

A smile grew on her face as her eyes closed. "What if they offered you all the knowledge in the universe instead of me?"

She expected a quick retort, but instead, she heard him say in earnest, "I wouldn't even have to consider, my choice is you, and it always will be."

With one last ounce of strength, she opened her eyes halfway and lazily lifted her head to press their lips together. When she pulled away, she buried her head into his chest and whispered, "I love you..."

"I love you too." He responded, closing his own eyes.

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