meet me on the battlefield (Hakuei X General!Female!Reader)

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summary: as Hakuei's most trusted general, you're commanded by the princess to help her carry out a terribly dangerous plan that could get her killed but could also win the war. seeing as how you're in love with her, you're not gonna let that first thing happen.

She was warrior. A lieutenant. A general.

She had marched through fields of death, rivers of blood, pathways of bones.

She had felt the crunch of skulls under her heels, had relished in the tear of flesh on her blade, had heard the screams of enemies in her ears and basked in it.

She had no fear, felt no pain, and surely didn't cower to either.

So why... why was she afraid to say it?

"I don't understand why you are arguing with me! We both know that this is the right move!" She yelled, slamming her hands on the table.

"Yes, but you could get killed!" The (H/C) haired general tried to argue, but the princess was having none of it.

"So?! I'm a soldier! " She argued. "That's part of my duty! To serve until my final breath! You of all people understand that, so why are you so opposed to this plan?!"

"Because I--" the sudden silence was almost shocking, but they just stared at each other.

"Because what? Do you have an alternate plan?" The general didn't continue. "Really? The one time in your life that you are quiet is the moment I need you to respond the most?"

She couldn't reply. Every time the words would reach her tongue, they would evaporate. She looked at me, and then she shook her head. "Your kindness has always been both a motivator and an inhibiter for you, General (Y/N)." Hakuei said, placing a hand on my shoulder as she walked towards the door. "But please, don't let it interfere when battle strategy is involved. It'll only ever hurt you."

She left.

And here she stood, bathing in the rays of the dawn as the last battle cries were silenced and a solemn quiet covered the battlefield. The fighting had taken the entire night, and the soldiers of Kou were either in the infirmary, still injured, or dead. But all were victorious.

Hakuei had returned to the camp, unscathed. Just as General (Y/N) had planned.

"You wish to-- but that goes directly against Princess Hakuei's plan!" The colonel argued, waving his arms frantically in the air.

"Yes, I am aware." She set her goblet down, not even blinking as some of the wine bounced out of the cup and landed on the map. "But she isn't looking at this from the right angle, and she'll surely be killed if her plan goes through."

"You shouldn't say such things about her highness! It could be considered treason!"

She rolled her eyes and pointed at him as she replied, "Treason my ass. You shouldn't be punished for speaking the truth in this damn country!"

He looked very uncomfortable with insulting the Kou empire, so she got back on topic. "Look, you're not technically going against orders, you're just taking new ones! If you get in trouble, blame me."

"But I--"

"Don't worry, they'll believe you. This is a very me-thing to do." He looked hesitant, like he was biting his tongue.

"What? Spit it out, I'm not Emperor Koutoku." 

He was unnerved at her use of the emperor's first name, but swallowed and said, "How are you so sure that the enemy line will advance right and not left as her highness predicts?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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