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Meanwhile, while Puck and Quinn are bickering across town Rachel is at a record school finding wedding music. She goes to reach for the song marked 'Need you now.' Which Puck and Rachel sang at the karaoke bar the night they met. Before she could pick it up another hand touched the record.

'Excuse me I-' Rachel looked up and saw Jesse St.James, probably the last person she ever wanted to see again. 'God Jesse, give it a rest.'

'Listen, I messed up. I've realised that and I want nothing more than for you to forgive. You at least owe me that.'

'No. I don't owe you anything! Except maybe a slap.' The brunette bit. 'I'm getting married.'

Jesse stood close to the girl. 'Come on Rach, you know that we're the best duet partners.'

'I'm leaving now.' Rachel grabbed the record and walked towards the door when Piano keys played. The girl turned around and saw her ex begin to sing Never getting ride of me from waitress.

Rachel let him have his musical moment and when the song came to a end. Rachel walked up to him. 'What part of never going to happen don't you understand?'

'The never.' He smirked.

The brunette rolled her eyes and walked out of the store. He followed her.

'Leave me alone Jesse.'

'One more chance.'

'No. I can't believe I put up with you for so long. Probably in hopes that you'd pop the question.'

The two were now at Rachel's villa and he let himself in.

'What is he doing here?' Santana said descending from the stairs.

'Santana Lopez, you know you are such a good friend to Rachel, she always looked so talented standing next to you.' He sneered.

Santana put a hand on her hip ready to destroy him. You can never put insult Santana Lopez. 'And you were such a good boyfriend because next to you, she doesn't look as stuck up.'

'He was just leaving.'

Jesse put his hands up in defeat and left the house.

'What are you doing with that sleeze ball?'

'It was nothing.'

'It's never nothing with Jesse. He's your weak spot.'

'He's a dick. It's over between us.'

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