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The group got on motorbikes and before Rachel left she insisted that Quinn and Puck share one to 'bring the closer.'

Quinn reluctantly sat behind Puck with her helmet on and ever one else had drove off. 'Princess you're gonna have to put your arms around me unless you wanna fall off.' Puck sneered sarcastically.

'Fine. Just drive so we can get there already.'

The pair finally showed up at the bar and Quinn ordered straight away. 'Pink gin and tonic.'

'Fabray, you're not a big drinker, maybe slow down a bit.' Santana said hastily.

'It's just some alcohol.' Quinn said polishing off her drink. 'Same again.'

'What is up with you Q?'

Quinn looked down at the ground and then looked up again in Pucks direction.

'Oh my god! He's the guy.'

Quinn couldn't speak, so she just nodded sadly.

'Do you still love him?'

'No, maybe. I don't know.' Quinn said flustered. 'Even if I was I doesn't matter he's in love with Rachel.'

'Listen forget some guy. The Bachelorette party is tonight we're find you a better guy. Now I need to catch up with you.'


Rachel walked to the rose garden and found a table where Jesse was, it had a bottle of champagne sitting on it.

'What do you want Jesse?' She was tired of his games.


'Seriously Jesse. I'm getting married tommrow.'

Jesse laughed. 'You sound like you're trying to convince yourself.'

'No. I am trying to get it through your thick skull. It's over J.'

'Come on babe we were perfect together.'

Rachel rolled her eyes. 'You clearly don't know the definition of perfect. I am marrying Noah tomorrow and that's final. Goodbye Jesse.'


Everyone got sick of drinking and headed to the beach to rewind and get ready to get wasted at the bachelorette and bachelor party. Quinn decided to walk back to the villa to clear her head.

The blonde was so caught up in her thoughts she hardly even noticed a black motorcycle pull up next to her.


'I can't talk to you.'

'Why not?' Puck asked confused.

'Because your marrying Rachel.'

'I'm not following.'

Quinn sighed and looked on the landscape in front of her. 'I can't talk to you because seeing you just reminds me of all those feelings I felt three years ago. And I can't to that to Rachel.'

'Quinn.' He got off his bike and wiped a tear from her cheek. They both found themselves leaning in and they were mere inches away from kissing.

It clicked in the blondes head how much this would hurt Rachel so she pulled away from the boy and ran as fast as could to the villa hearing the boy yell after her begging her to stop.

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